Developed By
Adarsh Jain
This is a web based application to scrape data of all the engineering colleges in a particular city from the website of
This website takes a name of city as an input and scrape the data of all the engineering colleges located in that city. For e.g. if you go to:, this URL shows a list of 85 engineering colleges based in Bangalore.
This app takes one such CITY NAME from of a particular city (BANGALORE in the aforementioned case) as an input using an HTML Form and scrape the following data of all the engineering colleges (85 in the case of Bangalore) located in that particular city:
- College name
- College address.
- Year of establishment (if found)
- Title of the courses offered.
- Infrastructure/Teaching Facilities (if found)
- URL of college's Website. (if found)
The data scraped thereafter is placed and stored well in a MySQL database. The stored data is then displayed on the web page in an HTML Table.
To start the web and MySql Server, type the following commands-
apache50 start ~/workspace/Shiksha/
mysql50 start
It is the root of website. Whenever a request comes, it displays the index.php data which is a HTML Form. This HTML Form takes a city name as input.
Here lies the main logic of app.
There is a submit event on the HTML form of index.php. As soon as submit button is clicked, js file stores the inputted city name in a variable ci. It stores lowercase version of inputted city name.
var ci = $("#form").find('input[name="city"]').val().toLowerCase();
Then it shows a progress bar which is a gif file and stored in "/img/ajax-loader.gif".
$("#middle").html('<img alt="please wait" src="/img/ajax-loader.gif">');
Now it sends a request to getpages.php which returns the number of pages in which colleges are displayed. This returned value is stored in data object. Then we check the data[0].error field, if it is 1 it means that city name was not valid and it displays an error.
if( Number(data[0].error) == 1 ) { $("#middle").html("<h3>Sorry!! City doensn't exist</h3></br><p>redirecting you in 3 seconds...</p>"); setTimeout(function(){$.redirect('/');}, 3000); return; }
Otherwise, we go in a loop number of pages times, creates URL and send AJAX requests to scrapping.php file (which we will see little bit latter) in every iteration of loop.
for(var i=1; i<=Number(pages); i++) { if(i==1) var web_url = ""+ ci ; else var web_url = "" + ci + "-" + String(i); $.ajax({ url: '/scrapping.php', type: 'POST', data: { url : web_url, city: ci }, success: function(output) { console.log(output); } }); }
When all the AJAX request made stops, it redirects to table.php which shows an HTML table containing data.
$(document).ajaxStop( function() { $.redirect('/table.php', {'city': ci}, "POST"); });
We have seen above that js file sends a request with city name to the getpages.php file.
It has city name in the variable $_GET["city_name"] from which it creates URL for inputted city.
$create_url = "". $_GET["city_name"] ;
It checks that URL's response code, if it's not 200 then URL is not correct and it sets the error field 1.
if( get_http_response_code($create_url) != "200") { $json = [['error' => 1]]; header("Content-type: application/json"); print(json_encode($json, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); }
Otherwise, it finds the number of pages in webiste using following RegEx.
$page = '@(\d)</a></li>\s*<li class="next linkpagination">@';
Now it sends the JSON data to requested js file.
$json = [['pages' => $pages[1], 'error' => 0]]; header("Content-type: application/json"); print(json_encode($json, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
This file scraps the data and stores data in the MySql database. We have seen in scripts.js file that it sends AJAX request to scrapping.php file with the URL created.
It gets the source data of the page.
//getting source of main page $data = file_get_contents($_POST["url"]);
Then we have a sequence of RegEx expressions getting the all of the data of the various colleges. You can see all of these in the scrapping.php file.
Finally, we check that the scrapped data is already in the database or not. If it's already stored, then we just update the data otherwise, it is inserted in the database.
//SQL queries $first = sprintf("SELECT * FROM colleges WHERE city='%s' AND name='%s'", $_POST["city"], $matches[2][$i]); $result = mysqli_query($link, $first); $n = mysqli_num_rows($result); if($n == 0) $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO colleges (city,name,address,year,courses,infra,url) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s') ", $_POST["city"], $matches[2][$i], $address[1], $year[1], implode('#',$course[1]), implode('#',$inf[1]) , $url[1]); else $sql = sprintf("UPDATE colleges SET courses='%s',infra='%s',url='%s' WHERE city='%s' AND name='%s' ", implode('#',$course[1]), implode('#',$inf[1]), $url[1], $_POST["city"], $matches[2][$i]);
This file shows the HTML Table containing data of colleges.
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($rows))
print("<td>" . $i . "</td>");
print("<td>" . $row["name"] . "</td>");
print("<td>" . $row["address"] . "</td>");
print("<td>" . $row["year"] . "</td>");
$course = explode("#",$row["courses"]);
for($j=0; $j< sizeof($course); $j++)
print("<li>". $course[$j] ."</li>");
$infra = explode("#",$row["infra"]);
for($j=0; $j< sizeof($infra); $j++)
print("<li>". $infra[$j] ."</li>");
print("<td>" . $row["url"] . "</td>");
$i = $i+1;