- Xcode 13.3.1+
- Swift 5.6+
- Alamofire 5.5.0+
Note: AlamofireRSSParser v4.0.0 adds support for Swift Concurrency. Due to bugs with older Swift 5.5 compilers and Xcode versions, AlamofireRSSParser's concurrency support requires Swift 5.6.0 or Xcode 13.3.1
If you need to support an earlier version of Swift, please either download the zip or point your Podfile at the corresponding tag:
- Swift 5.0 - 5.5: tag "3.0.0"
- Swift 4.0: tag "Swift 4.0 Final"
- Swift 3.x: tag "2.0.1"
- Swift 2.2: tag "Swift 2.2 Final"
- Swift 2.3: tag "Swift 2.3 Final"
The respective readme's in those tags have more explicit instructions for using tags in CocoaPods.
If you need to support an earlier version of Alamofire, please either download the zip or point your Podfile at the corresponding tag:
- Alamofire 5.5: tag "3.0.0"
- Alamofire 4: tag "2.2.0"
AlamofireRSSParser is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "AlamofireRSSParser"
import AlamofireRSSParser
wherever you're using it.
Note: Since Alamofire is a dependency for AlamofireRSSParser, make sure you don't also include Alamofire in your Podfile.
The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift
Once you have your Swift package set up, adding Alamofire as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies
value of your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/AdeptusAstartes/AlamofireRSSParser.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "4.0.0"))
But we all know that doesn't actually work and that's not how you actually add SWPM packages despite every library on GitHub that supports SPM suggesting to do the above. So in Xcode select File > Add Packages
and paste this repo URL into the dialogue and select "Up to next major version".
Alternately you can add the contents of AlamofireRSSParser/Pod/Classes/ to your project and import the classes as appropriate.
Note: To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
You use AlamofireRSSParser just like any other response handler in Alamofire:
let url = "http://feeds.foxnews.com/foxnews/latest?format=xml"
AF.request(url).responseRSS() { (response) -> Void in
if let feed: RSSFeed = response.value {
/// Do something with your new RSSFeed object!
for item in feed.items {
// Swift concurrency example.
if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
Task.init {
if let rss = await self.swiftConcurrencyFetch() {
@available(iOS 13, *)
func swiftConcurrencyFetch() async -> RSSFeed? {
let url = "http://feeds.foxnews.com/foxnews/latest?format=xml"
let rss = await AF.request(url).serializingRSS().response.value
return rss
AlamofireRSSParser returns an RSSFeed object that contains an array of RSSItem objects.
I think we can all admit that RSS implementations are a bit all over the place. This project is meant to parse all of the common, high level bits of the RSS 2.0 spec that people actually use/care about. It is not meant to comprehensively parse all RSS.
RSS 2.0 spec elements that it currently parses:
- title
- link
- itemDescription
- guid
- author
- comments
- source
- pubDate
- enclosure
- category
In addition, since this is a Swift port of what was originally the backbone of Heavy Headlines it also parses portions of the Media RSS Specification 1.5.1.
Current elements:
- media:content
- media: thumbnail
- content: encoded
It also yanks all of the images that may be linked in the itemDescription
(if it's HTML) and creates a nice array named imagesFromDescription
that you can use for more image content.
If you need more elements parsed please file an issue or even better, please contribute! That's why this is on GitHub.
Don Angelillo, [email protected]
Inspired by Thibaut LE LEVIER's awesome orginal Block RSSParser AFNetworking Plugin.
AlamofireRSSParser is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.