Data Science Portfolio by Aditya Narayanan
- Project to analyze emergency calls using a Kaggle Dataset. Focus: Data Visualization
- A project from DataCamp: Exploratory Data Analysis on different metrics related to Lego blocks collected and made from when it was created (67 years ago). Focus: Simple Data Analysis and visualizations.
- Project to analyze the rise of the bitcoin currency market and compare different cryptocurrencies. Focus: Exploratory Data Analysis.
- Classifier to predict Fake vs Real news for a dataset containing political news and headlines. Built a vectorizer to classify tasks as Real and Fake.
- Analyzed stocks, returns and risks of different banks such as Bank of America, CitiGroup, JP Norgan, Morgan Stanley, etc. Visualized them view the stock movement. Focus: Exploratory Data Analysis.
- Built a Machine Learning (Logistic Regression) Model to determine whether a credit card application will be approved. Focus: Machine Learning - Logistic Regression.
- Built a simple sentiment analyzer using Nltk Vader to analyze the ongoing sentiment of the stock market. Focus: Machine Learning - Sentiment Analysis.
- This folder contains my projects and excercises from Python for Data Science and Machine Learning course by Jose Portilla on Udemy.
- The course covers topics such as:
a) Data Analysis: Complete
- NumPy
- Pandas
b) Data Visualization: Complete
- MatplotLib
- Seaborn
- Pandas in-built visualization tool
- Plotly and Cufflinks
- Geographical Plotting
c) Data Capstone Project using all the above mentioned tools: Complete
d) Machine Learning:
- Linear Regression
- Logistic Regression
- KNN (K-Nearest Neighbor)
- Decision Trees and Random Forest
- Support Vector Machine (SVM)
- K-Means Clustering
- Big Data
- Neural Nets and Deep Learning