A demonstration of Payment SDK in JAVA
The 'PaymentSDK.jar' file provides you with the ability to make payment through the available payment modes in SDK.
Include PaymentSDK.jar in your project lib/ folder & ensure that the lib/ folder's JAR is included in settings.json configuration file.
- Add the PaymentSDK.jar file in your project lib/ folder
- Navigate to the settings.json file located in .vscode/ folder
- Include the .jar files within in your project lib/ folder in settings.json
"java.project.sourcePaths": ["src"],
"java.project.outputPath": "bin",
"java.project.referencedLibraries": [
import sdk.PaymentSDK;
import sdk.client.model.PaymentMode;
import sdk.client.model.CardRequirement;
import sdk.client.model.NetBankingRequirement;
import sdk.client.base.TransactionResult;
import sdk.client.base.PaymentRequirement;
import sdk.core.delegate.PaymentDelegate;
PaymentMode paymentMode;
PaymentDelgate paymentDelegate;
PaymentRequirement paymentRequirement;
- Debit Card:
paymentMode = PaymentMode.DEBIT_CARD
paymentRequirement = new CardRequirement(cardNumber, expDate, cvv);
- Credit Card:
paymentMode = PaymentMode.CREDIT_CARD
paymentRequirement = new CardRequirement(cardNumber, expDate, cvv);
- Net Banking:
paymentMode = PaymentMode.NET_BANKING
paymentRequirement = new NetBankingRequirement(accountHolder, bankAccountNo, ifscCode);
paymentDelegate = PaymentSDK.getInstance().init();
Step 5 - Finally, Inject the Payment Mode & Payment Requirement with payable amount and Handle the callback of the SDK Transaction result accordingly!
paymentDelegate.initialise(paymentMode, paymentRequirement).pay(amount).onResult(new TransactionResult() {
onSuccess(String message) {
// Hanlde success case scenario
onFailure(String message) {
// Hanlde failure case scenario
Access the SdkConfiguration class which demonstrate a sample code for PaymentSDK Integration and usage
import sdk.client.example.SdkConfiguration;
- Aditya Ambre
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