Room Slot Booking Django Application for Python Screening Test Under FOSSEE 2022
Username: ADITYA_DJ Email: [email protected]
- Installation
- Usage
Follow the below instructions to setup and run the app on your local machine.
Python 3.7
Django 2.2.8
And additional requirements are in requirements.txt
- Download and install Python 3.7
- Download and install Git.
- Fork the Repository.
- Clone the repository to your local machine
$ git clone<your-github-username>/fossee.git
- Change directory to fossee
$ cd fossee
- Install virtualenv
$ pip3 install virtualenv
- Create a virtual environment
$ virtualenv env -p python3.7
- Activate the env:
$ source env/bin/activate
- Install the requirements:
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Change directory to roomslotbooking
$ cd roomslotbooking
- Make migrations
$ python makemigrations
- To Make migrations for a particular app
$ python makemigrations <App name>
- Migrate the changes to the database
$ python migrate
- Create admin
$ python createsuperuser
- Run the server
$ python runserver
For using the Room Slot Booking App, you must first have an account on the application. Follow the below instructions to create a new account.
- Click on the Login button on Homepage to get a Login modal.
- Click on Sign Up link at the bottom of the modal.
- Enter your Username and Password.
- Click on Sign Up Button.
- After successful Sign Up, you'll be redirected to Complete your Profile Page where you'll be asked to enter your personal details.
- Enter the required details and click on Continue.
Congratulations, your account has been created successfully. You'll be automatically logged into your account and redirected to your dashboard.
By default, all new Users are designated as Customers.
For logging in and using the Room Slot Booking App, you must first have an account on the applications. If you don't have an account, follow Create an Account to create a new account. Otherwise, follow the below steps to Login into your account.
- Click on the Login button on Homepage to get a Login modal.
- Enter your Username and Password.
- Click on Sign In button.
After successful Login, you'll be redirected to your dashboard.
Only Users with Admin or Superuser privileges can promote a User to Room Manager by following the below steps:
- Go to the Admin Page of the application.
- Enter your Username and Password and click on Log In button.
- Under Home section, click on Profiles link.
- Click on the Username of the User you wish to promote.
- Tick the Room manager checkbox.
- Click on Save button.
- While promoting a user to Room Manager, if a Room Manager already exists then he'll be automatically demoted from the Room Manager to a normal Customer.
- To ensure that at no point of time the application is without a Room Manager, Room Manager cannot be demoted to a Customer until adn unless a new user is promoted to Room Manager.
- All the changes in the post of Room Manager are stored in the database along with the start and end date of the tenure of each Room Manager.
Customer is the user who will use the Room Slot Booking application for booking Rooms.
To book a Room using the Room Slot Booking application, follow the steps below:
- Click on the Book Room pill on the Dashboard.
- Select the Date for which the booking is to be made.
- After selecting the Date, if you encounter an error, change the Booking Date accordingly.
- If no error is encountered, the Rooms available on the selected date will get updated in the Available Rooms field through AJAX.
- Select the Room from the list you wish to book.
- If no Time Slot is free for the selected Room on the selected Date, you'll encounter an error. Change the Room or the Date accordingly.
- If you don't encounter any error, the available Time Slots will get updated in the Available Time Slots field through AJAX.
- Select the Time Slot you wish to book the selected Room for.
- Click on the Book button.
To view all your Previous Bookings, click on the My Previous Bookings pill on the Dashboard.
The bookings are arranged in the order the Bookings were made (latest Booking first).
Click on the Room Manager's Username corresponding to a Booking to know the details of the Room Manager at the time of Booking.
To cancel (delete) a Booking, click on the Cancel link corresponding to the Booking.
To update your profile, follow the below steps:
- Click on Update Profile pill on the Dashboard.
- Change the values to be updated in the respective fields.
- Click on the Update button.
Room Manager is the user who will manage the ongoings of the application in terms of number of rooms to be made available to the customers and the time slots for which the rooms can be booked. Plus, he can also define the number of days for which the bookings can be done in advance.
There can be only one Room Manager at a time.
The Room Manager can view
- The number of Rooms he made available for the Customers to book from,
- Time Slots for which the Rooms are available, and
- The number of days for which the Customers can place bookings in advance.
under the Home Tab on his dashboard.
To update number of Rooms to be made available for the Customers to book from, follow the below steps:
- On your Dashboard, click on the Manage Rooms dropdown pill.
- Under Manage Rooms dropdown, click on No. of Rooms.
- Enter the Updated Number of Rooms to be made available to the Customers in the text field provided (Refer to the table above for currently available Number of Rooms).
- Click on Update button.
- If Number of Rooms are updated for the first time, the updated number of rooms will take effect immediately.
- If Number of Rooms are not updated for the first time:
- If there is no active booking after the day of update, the updated number of rooms will take effect from the next day.
- If there are active bookings after the day of update, the updated number of rooms will take effect from the day next to the day of last booking.
To update the Time Slots for which the Rooms are available to be booked, follow the following steps:
- On your Dashboard, click on the Manage Rooms dropdown pill.
- Under Manage Rooms dropdown, click on Time Slots.
From here, you can either add a new Time Slot or delete or update an existing Time Slot.
To add a new Time Slot, continue with the following steps:
- Enter the Start Time and End Time of the new Time Slot in the respective input fields (Refer to the table above for Current Time Slots). You can use the Time Picker for entering time by clicking on the icon at the end of the input field.
- Click on the Add button.
- If the new Time Slot does not overlap with any existing Time Slot,
- A new Time Slot will be created with effect from the same day.
- If the new Time Slot does not overlap with any existing Time Slot but with an already deleted Time Slot whose deletion has not come into effect yet (due to reasons discussed later),
- A new Time Slot will be created but will come into effect from the day when the deletion of all the overlapping Time Slots take effect successfully.
- If the new Time Slot overlaps with the existing Time Slots,
- A modal will appear asking for deletion of the existing overlapping Time Slots.
- If you wish to delete the overlapping Time Slots, click the Delete button. The addition of the new Time Slot and deletion of the overlapping Time Slots will take effect from the day next to the day of last booking on any of the overlapping Time Slots.
- If you don't wish to delete the overlapping Time Slots, either Update the overlapping Time Slots and then add new Time Slot or change the new Time Slot itself.
Note: The Start Time and End Time of the new Time Slot must belong to the same day.
To delete an existing Tme Slot, continue with the following steps:
- Click on the Delete link corresponding to the Time Slot you wish to delete.
Note: If there are no Pre-Bookings made for the deleted Time Slot, the deletion will take effect from the very next day. Otherwise, the deletion of the Time Slot will take effect from the day next to the day of last Pre-Booking for that Time Slot.
To update an existing Tme Slot, continue with the following steps:
All the updates will take atleast one day to come into effect (the day on which it is updated) in the best case (if there are no Pre-Bookings on the previous Time Slot and the updated new Time Slot does not overlaps with any other existing Time Slot).
Pre-Booking Allowance refers to the number of days for which the Customers can book Rooms in advance.
To update the Pre-Booking Allowance, follow the below steps:
- On your Dashboard, click on the Manage Rooms dropdown pill.
- Under Manage Rooms dropdown, click on Pre-Booking Allowance.
- Enter the Updated Pre-Booking Allowance in the text field provided (Refer to the table above for current Pre-Booking Allowance).
- Click on Update button.
Unlike the updation in Number of Rooms and Time Slots, the updation in Pre-Booking Allowance will take effect from the very moment it is updated.
Click on the Bookings Summary pill on the Dashboard to view the Summary of all the previous, current and future Bookings.
The bookings are arranged in the order of Date (latest Date first) and then the ascending order of Room Number and Time Slot.
Click on the Customer's Username corresponding to a Booking to know the details of the Customer and on the Room Manager's Username to know the details of the Room Manager at the time of Booking.
To update your profile, follow the below steps:
- Click on Update Profile pill on the Dashboard.
- Change the values to be updated in the respective fields.
- Click on the Update button.