Simple React component for including an iframed page.
The component is fully typescript-supported.
import Iframe from 'react-iframe'
<Iframe url=""
url (required) - string the iframe url.
all other attributes are optional
src - string if set, overrides url.
scrolling - string not set if if not provided (deprecated in HTML5).
overflow - string default to "hidden".
loading - string (not added to DOM if not provided).
frameBorder - number default to "0" (deprecated in HTML5).
position - string (not added to DOM if not provided).
id - string if set, adds the id parameter with the given value.
className - string if set, adds the class parameter with the given value.
display - string defaults to "block"
height - string (1px > any number above 0, or 1% to 100%)
width - string (1px > any number above 0, or 1% to 100%)
allowFullScreen - if set, applies the allowFullScreen param (deprecated in HTML5). If set, adds allow="fullscreen".
sandbox - add optional sandbox values ("allow-forms allow-pointer-lock allow-popups allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-top-navigation")
allow - add optional allow values ("geolocation microphone camera midi encrypted-media & more")
styles - add any additional styles here. Will (intentionally) override any of the props above. For instance:
<Iframe url=""
styles={{height: "25px"}}/>
will set the height to 25px even though it was specified as 100% in the props.
A comprehensive overview of the iframe element is available from the MDN web docs.
All source code resides in the src/
folder. The other code paths are generated by the tsc compiler.
This project provides a convenient TypeScript-enabled wrapper around the native HTML <iframe> tag. You can achieve the same functionality with the native tag. You do not need to use TypeScript in your project to consume this library.