This application read a database (currently just MySQL) and take the information of the user and generate a credential to be use in MQTT Broker
Make sure that the folder tree was created correctly, in case not change the folder of the logs in the file 'log4j2.xml' :
<Property name="basePath">/eMQTT/eMQTT-Authz/logs/</Property>
Validate all the parameters included in the next export, it include database and mqtt connections parameters.
export EMQTT_DBNAME=datasynth
export EMQTT_HOSTNAME=localhost
export EMQTT_HOSTNAME_MQTT=localhost
export EMQTT_PORT=3306
export EMQTT_USERNAME=root
export MQTT_PASSWORD=abcd1234
To deploy the application is requiered the user 'root' and then copy the files into the product folder:
cp -R eMQTT-Authz/ /eMQTT
Assign permissions of execution to the launcher 'shell script':
chmod +x
Finally, to test the application is requiered to execute the following command (you can implement the service to deploy in higher environments):
./ &