This is the MoHSES standard library, intended to be used in the development of MoHSES-compliant hardware and software modules.
Software dependencies:
- CMake 3.5.1 or higher.
- Fast-DDS 2.01 or higher with FastCDR.
- Boost libraries 1.6.7 or higher (headers only)
Once dependencies have been satisfied, to build and install:
- Clone this repository
- Create a build folder. From within it, run
cmake ..
- From the build folder, run
cmake --build . --target install
to compile and install the library in your platform specific folder. This step will require an elevated/root command prompt.
$ git clone
$ mkdir amm-library/build && cd amm-library/build
$ cmake ..
$ cmake --build . --target install
The following example modules are available:
- CORE Module reference implementations
- Module Manager
- Simulation Manager
- Physiology Manager (connection to BioGears)
- Extended CORE module reference implementations
- TCP Bridge
- REST Bridge
- Example modules
- Command line utility
- "Kitchen Sink" examples