This repo is outdated, working on a conversion using memory maps. The new anticheat has some form of dynamically changing the dynamic memory maps and is easier said then done.
Run the in the folder with your VOD to be analysed and label it "VOD.mp4".
File is outputed to success.xls after completion.
Example Outputs:
R6 Stage CL PLayoffs (2 maps, ~ 2 hours)
Big Dogz vs Fury
- No Errors: Added Map Name to rounds
- Added OCR Based Operator Analysis
- Added Sites to file
R6 Mexico Major Day 1 Stream A (14 hours)
- Due to the length of this stream there were some errors when exporting the images, in future the check of the data will be increase and thus less errors, but this stream was run on limited hardware
BDS vs Cyclops
BDS vs Team One
DZ vs G2
SQ vs Team One
SQ vs Cyclops
DWG vs G2
BDS vs Cyclops (Game 2)
Estimated Missing Files: 2 rounds. (Need to cross reference).