This is a library for ESP32-[XX] that allows connection to and button reading from gamepads, with a primary focus on Xbox controllers model 1780.
The aerodisspace-gamepad library was developed to facilitate the connection to and reading of buttons from gamepads, especially Xbox 1780 controllers, in ESP32-[XX] projects. This library is an integral part of the aerodis-space embedded project, which aims to enable a crucial part of the project, which is the connection to gamepads to control embedded devices.
Simplified connection to gamepads, especially Xbox 1780 controllers. Reading of pressed buttons on the gamepad. Easy integration with the aerodisspace-embedded project.
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or send a pull request.
Contact Check main
- Read Gamepad:
use aerodisspace_gamepad::gamepad::{ble::AerodisSpaceGamepad, gamepads::gamepads::*, gamepads::xboxone::*};
use esp_idf_hal::{delay::FreeRtos, task::block_on};
use esp_idf_svc::hal::peripherals::Peripherals;
use log::info;
fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// It is necessary to call this function once. Otherwise some patches to the runtime
// implemented by esp-idf-sys might not link properly. See
// Bind the log crate to the ESP Logging facilities
let peripherals = Peripherals::take()?;
// Nedd instance of BLEGamepad, scan and connect and get the gamepad
let mut ble = AerodisSpaceGamepad::new(GamepadType::XboxOne);
block_on(async {
info!("gamepad type: {:?}", ble.gamepad_type);
let gamepad = ble.get_gamepad().await;
while ble.connected() {
match &gamepad {
GamepadHandler::XboxOne(gmpd) => {
info!("Gamepad: {:?}", gmpd.lock().unwrap());