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💻 Pre-Requisites

1️⃣ Install Homebrew:

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

2️⃣ Install Java

Brew cask install java

ℹ️ To check if JAVA installed correctly, write the following command java -version in terminal

3️⃣ Install Apache-Maven

Brew install maven

ℹ️ To check if maven installed correctly, write the following command mvn -version in terminal

4️⃣ Install IDE (STS,Eclipse ..)

It is highly recommended to use Spring Tool Suite (STS) instead of Eclipse. Please refer to this link:

5️⃣ Project

Clone/Download the project, then import it in your IDE

git clone

6️⃣ Attaching setting.xml file

Add this file in the following path /Users/UserName/.m2/settings.xml. This file will give you a permission to use a predefined methods.

you can find it in the installed project, in the following path: MPAutomation/src/settings.xml

Project structure overview

🔝 A typical top-level directory layout

Shown only important folders

├── ...
├── src/main/java                             #
│   ├── com.aspire.kargo.pages                # Declaration for the used selectors(locators) 
│   ├── com.aspire.kargo.pages.common         # Declaration for the Global used selectors(locators)
│   └── com.aspire.kargo.steps                # Custom methods folder
├── src/main/resources                        #
│   ├── application.yml                       # Run configrations file
├── src/test/java                             #
│   ├── com.aspire.automation.poc             # Running file
├── src/test/resources                        #
│   ├── config                                # Values of parameters(names, credentials..) and selector(locators)
│   └── stories                               # Test cases folder
└── ...

✍️ Writing Tests

You can go through the following steps to create a new test cases:

- For Selectors:

  1. Create a new File under “src/test/resources/Configs” folder and name it with “.properties” extension.

  2. All selectors should be listed under “.properties” file extension using the same format.

  3. It is better to list all selectors related to a specific page/functionality in a separate “.properties” file.


“” will include Top Nav Selectors

such as:

Sign_In_Link: value Or by using the following format => "pages.nameOfPage.selectorName= value” .

- For Pages (Main Methods):

Create Java “interface-Class” for each page in “src/main/java” “com.aspire.pages” Folder. Add “@Page” tag above interface-Class Name


@Page(name=" pageName ",url="${ pages.nameOfClass.URL }”) Note: “URL” parameter should be empty in case you don’t wont to navigate to any URL.

- For Creating Methods to Call selectors

In the previously created interface add the selectors methods as following: Example:


public AspireWebElement selectorName();}

ℹ️ Note:

  1. “selectorName” is case sensitive.
  2. User can use: ID, ClassName, Name, Link Text, and XPath locators for identifying web elements in a web page.

i.e. @IDSelector,@PartialLinkTextSelector,@XPathSelector, @LinkTextSelector, @ClassNameSelector, @NameSelector or @LinkTextSelector method would be look like the following

i.e. @IDSelector(“${pages.nameOfClass.selectorName}”) public AspireWebElement selectorName();}

ℹ️ Note:

In .properties page the locater should be compatible with the declaration in the interface i.e. if we use

@XPathSelector("${gallery}") public AspireWebElement gallery(); gallery= //android.widget.TextView[contains(@text,"Gallery”)]

- For Writing test cases

Generic steps are already defined steps in the new framework and they linked with the code so no need to write a script to implement them, just select the step and add the locators as needed.

You should use them while creating new test cases; they are covering the most common steps like (click, display, send keys, assert....).We can add a custom step but this will be just for the special cases.

How to use Generic steps:

Each step has a combination of numbers in its beginning, and each number refers to a specific meaning.

For example the combination number [1100-1340] in the below step .......: When [1100-1340] User fills User Name with Valid User Name We've added numbers for each step so we can easily access and search for them And the numbers mapping explanation are as the following:

[#1 #2 #3 #4 - #5 #6 #7 #8 ]

#1 can be: 1 -> Web/Mobile, 2-> Rest API, 3 -> Database, 8 -> For the Custom step

#2 can be: 0 -> Page, 1 -> Element, 2 -> Elements, 3 -> Mobile specific steps

#3 can be: 0 -> Without Timeout, 1 -> With Timeout

#4 can be :0 -> General or Action, 1 -> Assert, 2 -> State

#5 can be: 0 -> URL or Last accessed element, 1 -> T ext or element, 2 -> Alert, 3 -> Window, 4->Tab, 5 -> Cookies, 6 -> Frame, 9 -> General

#6 can be: 0 -> State, 1 -> Text, 2 -> Value, 3 -> Action, 4->CSS, 5 -> Attribute

#7 And #8: will have serial numbers

        Additionally, -S can be added after the number (for generic or custom steps) to inform automation framework to use a soft assertion for this step. 
Example in the following step:

When [1100-1340] User fills User Name with Valid User Name

I have a web page and I need a fill action to write a text in element:

#1 = 1, and refers to a web.

#2 = 1, and refers to an element.

#3 = 0, refers to without timeout.

#4= 0, and refers to an action.

#5= 1, and refers to Text.

#6= 3, and refer to an Action.

#7 and #8 took a serial number 4 and 0.

⚡ Run test cases

Uncomment value of this key !— from the following path: QAAdvertisersWebAutomation/src/test/resources/config/selectors/common/

In the IDE or terminal you can run all test cases or group of test cases grouped by folder or test cases grouped by tags or individual,

  • On STS under the imported project:

    • Navigate to “src/main/resources” folder on left hand side and double click on it.
    • Double click on “application.yml”
    • At line “13” set value of include key as follows:
      • stories/**/TC-login-001.story // to run specific test case, i.e. login test case
      • stories/**/TC-login**.story // to run all test cases start with “login”
      • stories/**/*.story // to run all stories Note: You can get story name from this path: {ProjectPath}/{ProjectName}/src/test/resources/stories” i.e. /Users/afnanyousef/Documents/KoUI/src/test/resources/stories, where all stories are saved.
  • After setting the include key:

    • Double click on src/test/java Folder
    • Double click on com.aspire.automation.poc Folder
    • Right click on file -> Run as -> JUnit test.
  • In case you want to run using terminal rather than IDE do the first three steps then in terminal: Navigate to project path i.e. cd /Users/afnanyousef/Documents/workspace/MPAutomation

  • Run the following command

man clean test

📃 # Report:

You can check results from:


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