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6LoWPAN Border Router

Alexandre Abadie edited this page May 30, 2017 · 2 revisions

Using an Atmel SAMR21 as a 6LoWPAN border router


    sudo pip install iotlabsshcli
  1. Connect to agile-pi-2:
    ssh agile-pi-2
  1. From the command line on the AGILE Gateway (agile-pi-2), update, build, flash and start the border router:
    cd /opt/parts/RIOT
    git checkout 2017.04-branch
    make  WERROR=0 BOARD=samr21-xpro -C examples/gnrc_border_router flash term
  1. From another terminal on your local computer. Build a RIOT networking firmware ($RIOTBASE is where the RIOT source code is located on your computer):
   make BOARD=iotlab-a8-m3 -C examples/default

The firmware is located in $RIOTBASE/examples/default/bin/iolab-a8-m3/default.elf

  1. Start an experiment on IoT-LAB with 2 nodes:
    experiment-cli submit -n test_agile_iot -d 60 -l saclay,a8,154+155
    experiment-cli wait
  1. A this point, your experiment is started, but you still have to wait for the node to boot:
    open-a8-cli wait-for-boot

All working nodes ids are listed in the "0" field. The others might have encountered a problem and won't be available for during the experiment.

  1. Flash the RIOT default firmware on the nodes:
   open-a8-cli flash-m3 $RIOTBASE/examples/default/bin/iolab-a8-m3/default.elf
  1. Your experiment is ready but in case of a problem, you may have to reboot one the M3 nodes of IoT-LAB:
   open-a8-cli reset-m3
  1. From the terminal on the border router (running on the SAMR21 board attached to the AGILE Gateway), you should see the nodes in the RIOT shell by typing the routers command. This command will also show you the IPv6 addresses of the nodes you can ping from the same shell with:
    > ping6 2001:db8::xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx
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