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ASP.NET Identity RavenDb Provider

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You setup RavenDb stores using one AddRavenDbStores extension method

You can setup RavenDb stores using the current IDocumentStore:

services.AddSingleton(p => new DocumentStore
    Urls = new[] { "https://a.ravendb.local" },
    Database = "Identity"
}.SetFindIdentityPropertyForIdentityModel() // REQUIRED, Identity model identifiers are not computed by the database but the store
services.AddDefaultIdentity<IdentityUser>(options => options.SignIn.RequireConfirmedAccount = true)

Or with a Func<IServiceProvider, IDocumentStore> creating the IDocumentStore :

var documentStore = new DocumentStore
    Urls = new[] { "https://a.ravendb.local" },
    Database = "Identity"
}.SetFindIdentityPropertyForIdentityModel() // REQUIRED, Identity model identifiers are not computed by the database but the store

services.AddDefaultIdentity<IdentityUser>(options => options.SignIn.RequireConfirmedAccount = true)
    .AddRavenDbStores(p => documentStore);

Both methods can take a string dataBase parameter to specify the RavenDb database to use:

services.AddIdentity<IdentityUser, IdentityRole>()
    .AddRedisStores(dataBase: "Identity")

Your user and role class must be IdentityUser and IdentityRole or derived.


The IdentitySample is a dotnet webapp with individual authentication using a RavenDb database.


This library is tested using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.Specification.Tests, the shared test suite for Asp.Net Identity Core store implementations.