#ofxCoreImageFilters ofxCoreImage Filters allows you to apply Core Image filters on ofImages. See the Core Image Filter Reference for the full list of available effects.
- Supports all 173 filters
- Works with openGl 3.2+ and the programmable renderer.
##How to use
####Step 1 Change source files to objective c++
Every source file in which you include "ofxCI.h", must be marked as objective c++. To do this select the file, open the file inspector (option+command + 1) and select objective c++ as the type. Some people might say to change the extension from .cpp to .mm, but this does not always work(better to do both).
calling setup creates the filter and sets it up with default parameters. To see list of filter types look at the file ofxCIConstants.h. For full documentation refer to the Core Image Filter Reference
ofxCIFilter parallelogram;
call getAvailableSettings() to view parameters
getAvailableSettings() will print the name,type,and range of each parameter. Usually any parameters that have the word 'Image' in them are mandatory to set. parallelogram.getAvailableSettings()
will print the following.
inputImage type:ofImage
inputCenter type:ofVec2f
inputAngle type:float range: -3.14159 to 3.14159
inputAcuteAngle type:float range: -3.14159 to 3.14159
inputWidth type:float range: 1 to 200
you set the parameters like this
ofImage myInput;
Common parameters like "inputImage" and "inputCenter" have built in functions to set them. For less common parameters like "inputAcuteAngle" you must use the function
ofxCIFilter::set(string parameterName, T value)
call getOutput(const ofImage &outImage)
to get the output image. This function deletes whatever was previously in the outImage and creates a new image.
ofImage outImage;
// do whatever you want with outImage
// ...
One way to chain filters is to pass the output of one filter into the input of another. But a more efficient way is to use an ofxCIFilterChain. It is more efficient because it skips the conversion steps between ofImage and CIImage;
Example use of an ofxCIFilterChain.
ofImage input;
ofxCIFilter blur;
ofxCIFilter edges;
ofxCIFilter gloom;
ofxCIFilterChain chain;
ofImage output;
You only have to set 'inputImage' on the first filter. ofxCIFilterChain only takes a weak reference to the filters so make sure each filter you added is still around in memory when you call getOutput() on the chain.
Thanks @laserpilot whose original Core Image addon served as a foundation