Sa3dni (spelled in Arabic as Help Me) is a Live Chat Support System Integration for online businesses, just like ZenDesk Messaging and LiveChat.
Here's a promotional video featuring the concept of the project and what could be offered by integrating a live chat support system into a business.
This repo is all about the web dashboard for customer support which will be servicing their customers through a live chat with them. The dashboard is built with a set of features will be found below.
The dashboard adopted Clean Architecture principles in its early stages, but as the dashboard evolved with requirements, it appeared to be that its main resposibility is to present data without any special domain business logic, so the layer remained somewhat empty, and thus resulted in removing the layer eventually, and the dashboard kept operating on Presentation and Infrastructure layers.
The main responsibility of this layer is to handle presenting the data, providing good user experience, routing and navigation, animation, etc.
The main responsibility of this layer is to handle presenting async and streamed data to the presentation layer, and mainly interacting with RESTful APIs and a WebSocket using SocketIO.