ios 14 app using swift_ui version 2 with custom Back end with express and mongo db
Socially is a sociall media ios 14 app clone like instagram written in swiftui with abillity to login and logout ,
post feed with the following user with like and like post and comment,uncomment etc with a custom backend with express and mongodb
- [1] sign in / sign up with validation
- [2] Follow/unfollow users
- [3] post feed based on followers based on last posted
- [4] add post
- [5] delete post
- [6] like and like posts
- [7] show all users in app
- [8] profile page
- [9] image upload using imgur
- iOS 14.0
- Xcode 12 beta
pod 'Alamofire'
pod 'SDWebImageSwiftUI'
pod 'lottie-ios'
- back-end integration using RestApi
- Alamoofire Network layer
- Alamofire interceptor for Tokens
- MVVM pattern
- swiftui2.0 grids,widgets
- UserDefaults for save userdata
- UIKit components
- lottie Animation
- user authrization and Auth
I would love you for the contribution to Socially_ios, check the LICENSE
file for more info.