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Screenshots last updated 2024-09-04



This flake/config has quite high "sometimes I want to quit technology and become a farmer" levels. Stability is not guaranteed.


  • flake.nix: base of the configuration
  • hosts: per-host configurations that contain machine specific configurations
    • desktop: Desktop specific configuration
    • sakura: Laptop (sakura) specific configuration
    • violet: Server (sakura) specific configuration
  • modules: modularized NixOS configurations
  • pkgs: packages exported by my flake
  • wallpapers: wallpaper collection


NixOS + Hyprland
Window Manager Hyprland
Bar Waybar
Application Launcher wofi
Notification Daemon Mako
Terminal Emulator Kitty
Shell zsh
Text Editor Neovim + VSCodium
network management tool NetworkManager + network-manager-applet
System resource monitor htop
File Manager thunar
Fonts nerd fonts
Color Scheme catppuccin
Icons catppuccin-papirus-folders
Lockscreen hyprlock
Image Viewer nsxiv
Media Player mpv
Screenshot Software grimblast
Clipboard wl-clip-persist
Color Picker hyprpicker

Shell aliases

NixOS (expand)

TODO: ${host} is either desktop or laptop

  • cdnix $\rightarrow$ cd ~/nixos-config && codium ~/nixos-config
  • ns $\rightarrow$ nix-shell --run zsh
  • nix-switch $\rightarrow$ sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake ~/nixos-config#${host}
  • nix-switchu $\rightarrow$ sudo nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade --flake ~/nixos-config#${host}
  • nix-flake-update $\rightarrow$ sudo nix flake update ~/nixos-config#
  • nix-clean $\rightarrow$ sudo nix-collect-garbage && sudo nix-collect-garbage -d && sudo rm /nix/var/nix/gcroots/auto/* && nix-collect-garbage && nix-collect-garbage -d


All the scripts are in modules/home/scripts/scripts/ and are exported as packages in modules/home/scripts/default.nix

Description: This script toggles the Hyprland blur effect. If the blur is currently enabled, it will be disabled, and if it's disabled, it will be turned on.

Usage: toggle_blur

Description: This script toggles the Hyperland oppacity effect. If the oppacity is currently set to 0.90, it will be set to 1, and if it's set to 1, it will be set to 0.90.

Usage: toggle_oppacity

Description: This script runs a provided command along with its arguments and detaches it from the terminal. Handy for launching apps from the command line without blocking it.

Usage: runbg <command> <arg1> <arg2> <...>


This is unchanged of Frost-Phoenix's dots, needs to be remade but don't feel like spending that time currently.

⚠️ Use this configuration at your own risk! ⚠️
Applying custom configurations, especially those related to your operating system, can have unexpected consequences and may interfere with your system's normal behavior. While I have tested these configurations on my own setup, there is no guarantee that they will work flawlessly on all systems.
I am not responsible for any issues that may arise from using this configuration.

It is highly recommended to review the configuration contents and make necessary modifications to customize it to your needs before attempting the installation.

  1. Install NixOS

    First install nixos using any graphical ISO image.

    Only been tested using the Gnome graphical installer and choosing the No desktop option durring instalation.

  2. Clone the repo

    nix-shell -p git
    git clone
    cd nixos-config
  3. Install script

    First make sure to read the install script, it isn't long

    Execute and follow the installation script :


    You will need to change the git account yourself in ./modules/home/git.nix

       programs.git = {
          userName = "Frost-Phoenix";
          userEmail = "[email protected]";
  4. Reboot

    After rebooting, you'll be greeted by hyprlock prompting for your password, with its wallpaper in the background.

  5. Manual config

    Even though I use home manager, there is still a little bit of manual configuration to do:

    • Set Aseprite theme (they are in the folder ./nixos-config/modules/home/aseprite/themes).
    • Enable Discord theme (in Discord settings under VENCORD > Themes).
    • Configure the browser (for now, all browser configuration is done manually).

Install script walkthrough

A brief walkthrough of what the install script does.

  1. Get username

    You will receive a prompt to enter your username, with a confirmation check.

  2. Set username

    The script will replace all occurancies of the default usename CURRENT_USERNAME by the given one stored in $username

  3. Create basic directories

    The following directories will be created:

    • ~/Music
    • ~/Documents
    • ~/Pictures/wallpapers/others
  4. Copy the wallpapers

    Then the wallpapers will be copied into ~/Pictures/wallpapers/others which is the folder in which the script will be looking for them.

  5. Get the hardware configuration

    It will also automatically copy the hardware configuration from /etc/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix to ./hosts/nixos/hardware-configuration.nix so that the hardware configuration used is yours and not the default one.

  6. Choose a host (desktop / laptop)

    Now you will need to choose the host you want. It depend on whether you are using a desktop or laptop.

  7. Build the system

    Lastly, it will build the system, which includes both the flake config and home-manager config.

👥 Credits

Other dotfiles that I learned / copy from:


Nix configuration flake for all of my machines







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