NeutronOrch is a system for sample-based GNN training that incorporates a layer-based task orches-trating method and ensures balanced utilization of the CPU and GPU. NeutronOrch distinguishes itself from other GNN training frameworks with the following new properties:
- NeutronOrch use a hotness-aware layer-based task orchestrating method that effectively leverages the computation and memory resources of the GPU-CPU heterogeneous system.
- NeutronOrch integrates the pytorch automatic differentiation library libtorch and tensorflow to support automatic differentiation (automatic backpropagation) across workers.
- NeutronOrch use a super-batch pipelined training, which fully overlaps different tasks on heterogeneous resources while strictly guaranteeing bounded staleness.
Currently NeutronOrch is under refactoring. We will release all features of NeutronOrch soon.
A compiler supporting OpenMP and C++11 features (e.g. lambda expressions, multi-threading, etc.) is required.
cmake >=3.14.3
MPI for inter-process communication
cuda > 11.0 for GPU based graph operation.
TBB for C++ 17 feature.
libnuma for NUMA-aware memory allocation.
sudo apt install libnuma-dev
libtorch version > 1.11 with gpu support for nn computation
unzip the libtorch package in the root dir of NeutronOrch and change CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH in "CMakeList.txt"to your own path
configure PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH for cuda and mpi
export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda
export MPI_HOME=/path/to/your/mpi
export PATH=$MPI_HOME/bin:$CUDA_HOME/bin:$PATH
clang-format is optional for auto-formatting:
sudo apt install clang-format
To build:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
./ ${cfg_file}
ENGINE TYPE: We list serveral example in the root dir for your reference GCN: gcn_reddit_sample.cfg gcn_cora_sample.cfg