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In variables.js file.
Neural Network layout, the number is the layer height, adding another value to the array adds a new layer
const layers = [4, 2];
% chance to mutate an axon in one way
const mutability = 15;
Value for every neuron
const offset = 0;
Number of boards
const boards = 5;
Number of creatures per board
const population = 10;
Number of pellets per board (at all times)
const maxPellets = 25;
Fitness gained per pellet eaten (doesn't matter too much)
const pelletValue = 1;
Maximum score the graph can display
const maxScore = 100;
Speed the creatures can move at
const speed = 5;
Number of creatures to keep and clone to the others
const topCreatures = 10;
Size of the pellets (radius)
const pelletSize = 15;
Size of the creatures (radius)
const creatureSize = 30;
Time to collect pellets before mutation (in 1/100th seconds)
const genTime = 15 * 100;
Generations to average for the rolling average
const rollGen = 6;
Whether to change the value of the speed in intervals (useful for streaming)
var streamMode = true;
View my stream on If you do decide to stream this, don't use this exact version. Please?