databases, datasets, software, models and other datascience resources for studying biomaterials
A biomaterial is a substance that has been engineered to interact with biological systems for a medical purpose – either a therapeutic (treat, augment, repair, or replace a tissue function of the body) or a diagnostic one. Wikipedia
- DEBBIE - Database of Experimental Biomaterials and their Biological Effect (DEBBIE).
- MatWeb - Database of material properties.
- Spider Silkome Database - Sequences and properties of spider silks
- UniProt - Comprehensive information on proteins (e.g. taxonomy, sequences, functions, localization).
- AlphaFold Protein Structure Database - Protein structures predicted with AlphaFold.
- CellProfiler - Software for analysing cell images from high-content screens.
- Cellpose - A deep learning-based tool for cell and nuclear segmentation.
- EasyNER - Customizable easy-to-use text mining tool for medicine/life science.
- DEBBIE pipeline - Text mining pipeline for biomaterial research used for the DEBBIE database.
- Time to kick-start text mining for biomaterials
- Biomaterialomics: Data science-driven pathways to develop fourth-generation biomaterials
- Intelligent Biomaterialomics: Molecular Design, Manufacturing, and Biomedical Applications
- Computational Biomaterials: Computational Simulations for Biomedicine
- BiomatDB - Project aiming to create a database for biomaterials.
- Materials Genome Initiative - Initiative of several US fedaral agencies for discovering, manufacturing, and deploying advanced materials. [ENDED?]