Quick Overview: Google Colab notebooks to parse STEAD data, convert STEAD formatted data to Seisbench formatted data.
Motivation: To retrieve a small subset of the STEAD data, and convert to Seisbench format to use for Seisbench models.
- parse_STEAD_data.ipynb: Given a .hdf5 and .csv file pair from STEAD, takes a subset of the data. (Note: The STEAD Github shows a better method for partitioning data.)
- convert_STEAD_to_Seisbench.ipynb: Given a STEAD formatted dataset, converts the data to SeisBench format. Creates an .hdf5 and .csv file pair.
Developed for UW CSE547 Project.
Creates a STEAD formatted .hdf5 and .csv file pair containing a subset of noise waveforms (STEAD chunk1) and a subset of earthquake waveforms (STEAD chunk2).
Converts a STEAD formatted .hdf5 and .csv file pair to a SeisBench formatted .hdf5 and .csv file pair.
Possible Improvements: Use RDDs?