Our website LearnOrb enables users to access the courses, register and to attempt the first evaluation as a quiz.
- Bootstrap
- Javascript
- ES6
- Chart.js
- Overview of our website, core philosophy and principles followed.
- Some of the courses and our tutors.
- Statistics of our website in terms of the number of students graduated in the form of line graph and the range of languages taught on our platform in the form of a donut using chart.js library.
- Registration Page allows users to register for the course with a unique username.
- Login page enables users to get to their dashboard.
- The user logged in can see the course for which he/she registered and would be able to get to the next step. Theinstructions for quiz are also given in the form of a modal.
- The questions are displayed and there is a time limit.
- On completing the quiz, the result is displayed.
- Responsive Website
- URL Search Params
- Sound Effects