tilt demo
Make sure you have installed all of the following prerequisites on your development machine:
- Docker - Download & Install Docker
- tilt - Download & Install tilt
- kubectl - Download & Install Kubectl
git clone https://github.com/Akshaya-T/tilt-demo.git
This will clone the latest version of the tilt-demo repository to a tilt-demo folder.
cd tilt-demo
- Replace K8S_CONTEXT and CONTAINER_REGITSRY values in the tilt_config.json with the cluster context and docker container registry
- Replace image in kubernetes.yaml same as CONTAINER_REGITSRY that you use and add imagepullsecrets to pull the image from the docker registry
- Run the following command
tilt up
- Navigate to http://localhost:tilt-port
- Once the Application is deployed, your application get port forwarded to port 8000 in local machine with the development environment configuration, so in your browser just go to http://localhost:8000