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day 25 part 1
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Akuli committed Dec 26, 2023
1 parent f0cea55 commit f7f9edb
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Showing 2 changed files with 296 additions and 0 deletions.
283 changes: 283 additions & 0 deletions examples/aoc2023/day25/part1.jou
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
import "stdlib/ascii.jou"
import "stdlib/math.jou"
import "stdlib/process.jou"
import "stdlib/str.jou"
import "stdlib/io.jou"
import "stdlib/mem.jou"

def print_path(path: int*, end: int) -> None:
for i = 0; path[i] != end; i++:
printf("%d -> ", path[i])
printf("%d\n", end)

class Graph:
num_nodes: int
matrix: int**
weights: int* # Initially every node has weight 1, the weights are added when merging

def free(self) -> None:
for i = 0; i < self->num_nodes; i++:

def visualize_with_graphviz(self) -> None:
assert not WINDOWS

f = fopen("/tmp/aoc25-graph.txt", "w")
assert f != NULL

fprintf(f, "digraph G {\n")
for i = 0; i < self->num_nodes; i++:
fprintf(f, "node%d [label=\"%d (weight=%d)\"]\n", i, i, self->weights[i])

for i = 0; i < self->num_nodes; i++:
for k = 0; k < i; k++:
if self->matrix[i][k] != 0:
fprintf(f, " node%d -> node%d [label=\"%d\", dir=none]\n", i, k, self->matrix[i][k])

fprintf(f, "}\n")
# system("dot -T png /tmp/aoc25-graph.txt -o /tmp/aoc25-graph.png && open /tmp/aoc25-graph.png")
system("dot -T png /tmp/aoc25-graph.txt -o /tmp/aoc25-graph.png && eom /tmp/aoc25-graph.png")

def connect(self, a: int, b: int) -> None:
assert 0 <= a and a < self->num_nodes
assert 0 <= b and b < self->num_nodes

def disconnect(self, a: int, b: int) -> None:
assert 0 <= a and a < self->num_nodes
assert 0 <= b and b < self->num_nodes
assert self->matrix[a][b] > 0
assert self->matrix[b][a] > 0

def merge_nodes(self, a: int, b: int) -> None:
assert 0 <= a and a < self->num_nodes
assert 0 <= b and b < self->num_nodes

# Add weights
self->weights[a] += self->weights[b]

# Add all b's connections to a, except the possible a <--> b connection
for n = 0; n < self->num_nodes; n++:
if n != a:
self->matrix[a][n] += self->matrix[b][n]
self->matrix[n][a] += self->matrix[n][b]

# Disconnect b from everything
for n = 0; n < self->num_nodes; n++:
self->matrix[n][b] = 0
self->matrix[b][n] = 0


# Now the matrix has zeros in b's row and column. Delete that row and column.
# This changes names of other, unrelated nodes. That can't be avoided.
self->matrix[b] = self->matrix[self->num_nodes]
for i = 0; i < self->num_nodes; i++:
self->matrix[i][b] = self->matrix[i][self->num_nodes]
self->weights[b] = self->weights[self->num_nodes]

def copy(self) -> Graph:
result = *self
n = self->num_nodes

result.matrix = malloc(sizeof(result.matrix[0]) * n)
for i = 0; i < n; i++:
row: int* = malloc(sizeof(row[0]) * n)
memcpy(row, self->matrix[i], sizeof(row[0]) * n)
result.matrix[i] = row

result.weights = malloc(sizeof(result.weights[0]) * n)
memcpy(result.weights, self->weights, sizeof(self->weights[0]) * n)

return result

# Returns shortest path. Result always starts with a and ends with b. No other termination.
def dijkstra_algorithm(self, a: int, b: int) -> int*:
assert a != b

where_we_came_from: int* = malloc(sizeof(where_we_came_from[0]) * self->num_nodes)
distances: int* = calloc(sizeof(distances[0]), self->num_nodes)
nodes_with_distance_set: int* = calloc(sizeof(nodes_with_distance_set[0]), self->num_nodes)
known_shortest: bool* = calloc(sizeof(known_shortest[0]), self->num_nodes)

for i = 0; i < self->num_nodes; i++:
distances[i] = -1

# Make dijkstra go from b to a, so that we don't need to reverse when we're done
nodes_with_distance_set[0] = b
distances[b] = 0
n_nodes_with_distance_set = 1

while not known_shortest[a]:
# pick the node with unknown-yet-to-be-smallest distance, whose distance is smallest
current = -1
for i = 0; i < n_nodes_with_distance_set; i++:
n = nodes_with_distance_set[i]
if (not known_shortest[n]) and (current == -1 or distances[n] < distances[current]):
current = n
if current == -1:
# no path
return NULL

# for some reason that i don't understand, the distance of the node we picked is known to be smallest
known_shortest[current] = True

# update neighbor distances, if visiting through current makes them shorter
for neighbor = 0; neighbor < self->num_nodes; neighbor++:
if self->matrix[current][neighbor] > 0:
d = distances[current] + 1 # 1 = weight of edge
if distances[neighbor] == -1:
distances[neighbor] = d
nodes_with_distance_set[n_nodes_with_distance_set++] = neighbor
where_we_came_from[neighbor] = current
elif distances[neighbor] > d:
distances[neighbor] = d
where_we_came_from[neighbor] = current

result: int* = malloc(sizeof(result[0]) * self->num_nodes)
p = result
current = a
while current != b:
*p++ = current
current = where_we_came_from[current]
*p++ = b


return realloc(result, (p as long) - (result as long))

# If this returns True, the nodes will always be in the same region after breaking 3 connections.
def nodes_are_strongly_connected(self, a: int, b: int) -> bool:
assert a != b

copy = self->copy()

for i = 0; i < 3; i++:
path = copy.dijkstra_algorithm(a, b)
if path == NULL:
return False

for k = 0; path[k] != b; k++:
copy.disconnect(path[k], path[k+1])

# We disconnected 3 distinct paths, is it still connected?
path = copy.dijkstra_algorithm(a, b)
if path != NULL:
# Yes, it is --> strongly connected
return True
return False

def find_a_strong_connection(self, hint: int*) -> int[2]:
for i = *hint; i < *hint + self->num_nodes; i++:
a = i % self->num_nodes
for b = a+1; b < self->num_nodes; b++:
if self->nodes_are_strongly_connected(a, b):
*hint = max(a, b)
return [a, b]
return [-1, -1]

def main() -> int:
max_nodes = 10000
node_names: byte[10]* = malloc(sizeof(node_names[0]) * max_nodes)
num_nodes = 0

f = fopen("sampleinput.txt", "r")
assert f != NULL

line: byte[1000]
while fgets(line, sizeof(line) as int, f) != NULL:
colon = strchr(line, ':')
assert colon != NULL
*colon = ' '

words = split_by_ascii_whitespace(line)
for w = words; *w != NULL; w++:
found = False
for i = 0; i < num_nodes; i++:
if strcmp(node_names[i], *w) == 0:
found = True
if not found:
assert strlen(*w) < 10
s: byte[10]
strcpy(s, *w)
node_names[num_nodes++] = s


graph = Graph{num_nodes = num_nodes}
graph.matrix = calloc(num_nodes, sizeof(graph.matrix[0]))
for i = 0; i < num_nodes; i++:
row: int* = calloc(num_nodes, sizeof(row[0]))
graph.matrix[i] = row

graph.weights = malloc(num_nodes * sizeof(graph.weights[0]))
for i = 0; i < num_nodes; i++:
graph.weights[i] = 1

while fgets(line, sizeof(line) as int, f) != NULL:
colon = strchr(line, ':')
assert colon != NULL
*colon = ' '

words = split_by_ascii_whitespace(line)
assert words[0] != NULL

start_node = -1
for i = 0; i < num_nodes; i++:
if strcmp(node_names[i], words[0]) == 0:
start_node = i

for w = words; *w != NULL; w++:
for i = 0; i < num_nodes; i++:
if strcmp(node_names[i], *w) == 0:
graph.connect(start_node, i)



i = 0
hint = 0

while True:
nodes = graph.find_a_strong_connection(&hint)
if nodes[0] == -1:

graph.merge_nodes(nodes[0], nodes[1])
# printf("Merged %d and %d, now there are %d nodes\n", nodes[0], nodes[1], graph.num_nodes)
# fflush(stdout)


assert graph.num_nodes == 2
printf("%d\n", graph.weights[0] * graph.weights[1])
return 0
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions examples/aoc2023/day25/sampleinput.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
jqt: rhn xhk nvd
rsh: frs pzl lsr
xhk: hfx
cmg: qnr nvd lhk bvb
rhn: xhk bvb hfx
bvb: xhk hfx
pzl: lsr hfx nvd
qnr: nvd
ntq: jqt hfx bvb xhk
nvd: lhk
lsr: lhk
rzs: qnr cmg lsr rsh
frs: qnr lhk lsr

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