Drocer is a web application designed to help you manage your collection of your favourite records. Whether you're a dedicated vinyl enthusiast or simply want to keep track of your digital music collection, Drocer provides a user-friendly CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) interface to store and organize all your musical records.
Enjoy the experience and add your firsts records!🎶
- Features
- Technologies Used
- Testing
- User Authentication: Logging in with Firebase SDK authentication through GitHub.
- Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD): Easily add, view, edit, and delete musical records.
- Single Page Application (SPA): Smooth and seamless user experience with React.
- State Management: Utilizes Redux Toolkit for efficient state management.
- Routing: Navigation within the app using React Router DOM.
- Styling with SASS: Creating maintainable and modular stylesheets with SASS and BEM method for classes.
- Feedback to User: Notification to users with user-friendly toasts using Toastify.
- HTTP Requests: Communication with the server using Axios.
- Testing: Reliability of the application with unit, component, and integration testing using Vitest.
- Mocking Service with MSW: Simulating server requests with the MSW mocking service.
- React: A popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- Redux Toolkit: A state management library for React applications.
- React Router DOM: A routing library for React applications.
- Toastify: A library for displaying notifications in a user-friendly manner.
- Node.js: A JavaScript runtime for building server-side applications.
- Firebase SDK: Provides authentication features for user security.
- Axios: A promise-based HTTP client for making requests to the server.
- Vitest: A testing framework for unit, component, and integration testing.
- Mocking Service: MSW (Mock Service Worker): A library for simulating server requests in testing and development.
In this project I used Vitest for unit and component testing. Here some Sonar metrics:
Happy organizing your musical records with Drocer! 🎵📀🎶