Parent project for set of projects aimed at studying network interactions using java.
- Socket. used. Implements simple echo pair allows to operate with lines and echo pair to operate with messages. Simple protocol was used (message consist of it's size and the actual message body).
- Nio. java.nio used. Implements echo pair allows to operate with messages. CompletionHandlers approach used.
- Nio (Future approach) The same as Nio but Future approach used for read\write opperations with buffers.
- port -p (9000 by default)
- threads -t (5 by default) - specify allowable number of threads
- server -s (socket by default) - specify server type (socket, nio, fnio)
- attempt -a (10 by defult) specify number of request attemts
- client -c (socket by default) specify client type (socket, nio, fnio)
- host -h ( by default) specify server host to connect
- port -p (9000 by default) specify server port to connect
- request -r ('default request' by default) specify request message
To build project move to Server or Client folder and use maven
mvn clean install