- Put the folder to your resources folder
ESX.UI.Menu.Open('scaleform', GetCurrentResourceName(), 'casino_menu_example', {
title = "Casino",
description = "Select your next destination",
options = {
position = vector3(940.158, 44.79, 79.79), -- Position is a headache, I hope with the editor you can understand it faster.
rotation = vector3(-2.99, 2.59, 75.38), -- Rotation is a headache, I hope with the editor you can understand it faster.
scale = vector3(12.0, 5.0, 8.0), -- Scale: X = Horizontal; Y = Vertical; Z = ?
values = vector3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), --(Some values are not yet understood, always must be 1.0)
heading = 1, -- WIP (Some values are not yet understood)
canClose = false -- WIP
elements = {
{ label = "Go to CASINO", value = "teleport_to_casino" },
{ label = "Go to ROOF", value = "teleport_to_roof"}
}, function(data, menu)
local action = data.current.value
if action == "teleport_to_casino" then
elseif action == "teleport_to_roof" then
end, function(data, menu)end)
options = {
position = vector3(), -- Position is a headache, I hope with the editor you can understand it faster.
rotation = vector3(), -- Rotation is a headache, I hope with the editor you can understand it faster.
scale = vector3(), -- Scale: X = Horizontal; Y = Vertical; Z = ?
values = vector3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), --(Some values are not yet understood, always must be 1.0)
heading = 1, -- WIP (Some values are not yet understood)
canClose = false -- WIP
This is a test script, so you can experiment with it. I recommend using PolyZone to check when to load / unload the HUD.
I give the corresponding credits to the original author (Negbook) of this script in its 2D version