This repository contains the Django-based web frontend for the COMIC project. "COMIC" stands for Consortium for Open Medical Image Computing.
Before installing make sure you have a copy of `Django <>`_1.5 or newer installed.
You can fetch a copy by cloning the git repository:
git clone git://
- South
- Django Countries
- Django Userena
- Django Social Auth
- beautifulsoup4
- MatPlotLib (for rendering graphs)
- xlrd (for reading xls files)
You can install these requirements easily with pip:
pip install South django-countries django-userena django-social-auth pil beautifulsoup4 dropbox matplotlib xlrd
After cloning the git repository and installing the required packages, take these steps to get an instance of the framework up and running:
From ./django/
you run:
python syncdb
Fill in ``no`` when asked to create a superuser. We will do this later on.
After this is finished run:
python migrate
Now we can create the superuser:
python createsuperuser
Run the following to check if all permissions are correct:
python check_permissions
When you start the server you should have a running copy of the COMIC web framework:
python runserver
Finally login to the admin on localhost:8000/admin
and go to Sites
. Change
Domain name: localhost:8000 Display name: localhost
All default configuration is set in ./comic/settings/00_default.conf To add your own configuration, create a file ./comic/settings/01_localsettings.conf. Any settings defined here will overwrite settings in the 00_default.conf file.
Some settings you might want to change:
- By default, any emails generated by the framework are not sent but printed to the console only. To send actual emails, set EMAIL_BACKEND
- If you use a hostname different from the initial "http://localhost" to call the framework, change the MAIN_HOST_NAME and ALLOWED_HOSTS settings
- By default all website content is stored using sqlite, which writes a file in the frameworks' root. To use your own database
- Each project on the framework can reference files like images, stylesheets and downloadble datasets. These files are looked for in this location.
Here is a short list of urls which are useful to know:
- /admin # The admin of the framework, you can login in here with your superuser account.
- /accounts # Overview of all accounts
- /accounts/signin # Signin to an account
- /accounts/signup # Register an account
- /accounts/singout # Signout the current user
- Pip does not install matplotlib correctly::
- You can try an installer from the matplotlib website: After running the installer, you need to install the pyparsing module using
- pip install pyparsing