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Govorunb committed Jul 5, 2024
1 parent 4c2b460 commit 222f740
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Showing 2 changed files with 131 additions and 54 deletions.
41 changes: 0 additions & 41 deletions Immersion/Patches/LowOxygenAlertPatches.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,55 +1,14 @@
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using Immersion.Trackers;

namespace Immersion.Patches;

public static class LowOxygenAlertPatches
public static bool PatchSucceeded { get; private set; }

[HarmonyPatch(typeof(LowOxygenAlert), nameof(LowOxygenAlert.Update))]
private static IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> Patch(IEnumerable<CodeInstruction> instructions)
CodeMatcher matcher = new(instructions);

FieldInfo notifField = typeof(LowOxygenAlert.Alert).GetField(nameof(LowOxygenAlert.Alert.notification));
MethodInfo playMethod = typeof(PDANotification).GetMethod(nameof(PDANotification.Play), []);
new CodeMatch(OpCodes.Ldloc_2),
new CodeMatch(OpCodes.Ldfld, notifField),
new CodeMatch(OpCodes.Callvirt, playMethod)
if (!matcher.IsValid)
LOGGER.LogWarning($"Could not patch {nameof(LowOxygenAlert)}.{nameof(LowOxygenAlert.Update)}, {nameof(OxygenAlerts)} will not function");
return instructions;
CodeInstruction.Call((LowOxygenAlert.Alert alert) => PlayAlert(alert))

PatchSucceeded = true;
LOGGER.LogDebug($"Oxygen alerts patched for {nameof(OxygenAlerts)}");
return matcher.InstructionEnumeration();

[HarmonyPatch(typeof(HintSwimToSurface), nameof(HintSwimToSurface.ShouldShowWarning))]
private static void DisableHint(ref bool __result)
__result &= !(OxygenAlerts.Instance && OxygenAlerts.Instance.enabled);

private static void PlayAlert(LowOxygenAlert.Alert alert)
if (alert is OxygenAlerts.Alert ourAlert)
144 changes: 131 additions & 13 deletions Immersion/Trackers/OxygenAlerts.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,10 +10,11 @@ namespace Immersion.Trackers;
/// </summary>
public sealed class OxygenAlerts : Tracker
private List<LowOxygenAlert.Alert> _ourAlerts;
private List<Alert> _ourAlerts;
private List<LowOxygenAlert.Alert> _gameAlerts;

private LowOxygenAlert _alerts;
private Player _player;

public static OxygenAlerts Instance { get; private set; }

Expand All @@ -22,19 +23,34 @@ protected override void Awake()
Instance = this;
_ourAlerts = [
new Alert(this, "{player} has under 30 seconds of oxygen remaining.") {
new Alert {
Message = "{player}'s oxygen tank is under half capacity.",
Priority = Priority.Low,
minDepth = 50, // base game's 30s alert has a min depth of 30
minO2Capacity = 60,
notification = null,
oxygenTriggerSeconds = 30,
oxygenTriggerSeconds = 0, // originally 30s, changed to trigger from tank fill % instead
OxygenTriggerProportion = 0.5f,
MuteIfOxygenSourcesNearby = true,
new Alert(this, "{player}'s oxygen is about to run out.") {
minDepth = 15, // base game's is 0
new Alert {
Message = "{player}'s oxygen is about to run out.",
// minDepth = 15, // base game's is 0
minO2Capacity = 30,
notification = null, // TODO: play the alarm sound but not the PDA voiceline (create PDANotification that plays only one of the two sounds)
oxygenTriggerSeconds = 10,
MuteIfOxygenSourcesNearby = false,
Cooldown = 30,
_ourAlerts[0].OnPlay = RerollOxygenProportion;

private static void RerollOxygenProportion(Alert alert)
// decay by 5% of current value each reroll down to a minimum of 0.25 fill (25% of capacity)
alert.OxygenTriggerProportion = Random.Range(Mathf.Max(0.25f, alert.OxygenTriggerProportion * 0.95f), alert.OxygenTriggerProportion);
LOGGER.LogDebug($"New oxy threshold ({alert.OxygenTriggerProportion*100:f2}%)");

private void OnEnable()
Expand All @@ -45,9 +61,11 @@ private void OnEnable()
private IEnumerator InitCoro()
yield return new WaitUntil(() => Player.main);
_alerts = Player.main.GetComponentInChildren<LowOxygenAlert>();
_player = Player.main;
if (!_alerts)
_alerts = Player.main.GetComponentInChildren<LowOxygenAlert>();
_gameAlerts = _alerts.alertList;
_alerts.alertList = _ourAlerts;
_alerts.alertList = [];

private void OnDisable()
Expand All @@ -57,15 +75,115 @@ private void OnDisable()
_alerts.alertList = _gameAlerts;

private void Notify(Alert alert)
private readonly Utils.ScalarMonitor _secondsMonitor = new(100f);
private readonly Utils.ScalarMonitor _proportionMonitor = new(1f);
private int _lastAlert = -1;

private void Update()
if (!_player || !_player.IsAlive()) return;
if (_player.CanBreathe()) return;
if (!GameModeManager.GetOption<bool>(GameOption.OxygenDepletes)) return;

float time = Time.time;

// prevent 30s alert from triggering right after the 10s one
float lastAlertCooldownTimer = _lastAlert >= 0 && _lastAlert < _ourAlerts.Count
? _ourAlerts[_lastAlert].CooldownTimer
: 0;
bool lastAlertOnCooldown = lastAlertCooldownTimer > time;

float capacity = _player.GetOxygenCapacity();
float has = _player.GetOxygenAvailable();
float drain = _player.GetOxygenPerBreath(_player.GetBreathPeriod(), _player.depthClass.value);
float proportion = has / capacity;

float emptyInSeconds = Mathf.Max(0, has / drain);
for (int i = _ourAlerts.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
Alert alert = _ourAlerts[i];
if (alert.CooldownTimer > time) continue;
if (_lastAlert > i && lastAlertOnCooldown) continue;

if (alert.minO2Capacity > capacity) continue;
bool isProportionTrigger = alert.oxygenTriggerSeconds <= 0;
if (isProportionTrigger)
if (alert.OxygenTriggerProportion < proportion) continue;
// if (!_proportionMonitor.JustDroppedBelow(alert.OxygenTriggerProportion)) break;
if (alert.oxygenTriggerSeconds < emptyInSeconds) continue;
// if (!_secondsMonitor.JustDroppedBelow(alert.oxygenTriggerSeconds)) break;

float depth = _player.GetDepth();
if (alert.minDepth > depth) continue;

if (alert.MuteIfOxygenSourcesNearby)
if (alert.NextCheck > time) continue;
alert.NextCheck = time + 2f;

float swimDistance = emptyInSeconds * 5; // 5 m/s is very generous, base swim speed is 6.64 and seaglide is 25

if (swimDistance > depth)
LOGGER.LogDebug($"Close to surface {swimDistance} > {depth}");


// whoever is reading this in probably like 2040 or something - do you think anyone ever noticed this doesn't actually get the nearest one
IInteriorSpace interior = _player.GetRespawnInterior();
bool interiorIsBreathable = interior switch
SubRoot sub => sub.powerRelay && sub.powerRelay.IsPowered(),
Vehicle vehicle => vehicle.IsPowered(),
SeaTruckSegment truck => truck.relay && truck.relay.IsPowered(),
_ => false,
if (interiorIsBreathable)
float dist = (interior.GetGameObject().transform.position - _player.transform.position).magnitude;
if (swimDistance > dist)
LOGGER.LogDebug($"Base close by {swimDistance} > {dist}");

_lastAlert = i;

internal void Play(Alert alert)
if (alert.notification) alert.notification.Play();
alert.CooldownTimer = Time.time + alert.Cooldown;

React(alert.Priority, Format.FormatPlayer(alert.Message));
internal sealed class Alert(OxygenAlerts owner, string message, Priority priority = Priority.High)
: LowOxygenAlert.Alert
internal sealed class Alert : LowOxygenAlert.Alert
public string Message { get; } = message;
public Priority Priority { get; } = priority;
public void Play() => owner.Notify(this);
public required string Message { get; set; }
public Priority Priority { get; set; } = Priority.High;
public float OxygenTriggerProportion { get; set; } = 1;
/// <summary>
/// Includes the surface and nearby breathable interiors (base, vehicle, etc).
/// </summary>
public bool MuteIfOxygenSourcesNearby { get; set; }
public float NextCheck { get; set; }
public float Cooldown { get; set; } = 60;
public float CooldownTimer { get; set; }

public Action<Alert> OnPlay { get; set; }

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