This repo specifies scripts to deploy and configure a simple dev environment including:
- kubernetes cluster (kind, single node)
- local docker repository (connected to the k8s cluster)
You can use this repo as a part of your application repository
- docker engine
- kind
- kubectl client
You can change the configuration by passing environment variables:
Variable name | Description | Default value |
DOCKER_REGISTRY_NAME | container name of the local docker registry. | docker-registry |
DOCKER_REGISTRY_PORT | local docker registry port. This port will be used to tag docker images, e.g. localhost:5001/my-app:1.1.1 |
5001 |
KIND_CLUSTER_NAME | the name of the kind cluster | local-dev |
KIND_NODE_IMAGE | k8s kind image. By default will be bootstrapped kubernetes cluster v1.25 | kindest/node:v1.25.3@sha256:f52781bc0d7a19fb6c405c2af83abfeb311f130707a0e219175677e366cc45d1 |