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Customized construction of pangenome graphs via maximal blocks

How to run


Clone the repo and setup the conda environment:

git clone
cd pangeblocks
mamba env create -n pangeblocks -f envs/snakemake.yml
conda activate pangeblocks


pangeblocks requires gurobi (check license).


To run pangeblocks on the example data we provide (MSA with 10 rows and 200 columns), run:

./pangeblocks --dir-msa test/sars-cov-2-subMSA --dir-output output-sars-cov-2 --obj-function weighted --penalization 100 --min-len 20

You will find the final graph in output-sars-cov-2/gfa-unchop.

Alternatively, you can run pangeblocks on the small example using docker:

mkdir /tmp/pgb-out
docker run -it --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v ./test/sars-cov-2-subMSA/:/data \
    --mount type=bind,source=/tmp/pgb-out,target=/results algolab/pangeblocks:latest
ls /tmp/pgb-out/sars-cov-2.gfa # <- this is the graph

Tweak the execution

pangeblocks is a snakemake pipeline. We provide a CLI that parses command line options and exectues the snakemake pipeline to compute graphs from a directory with .fa files.

usage: pangeblocks [-h] [--dir-msa DIR_MSA] [--dir-output DIR_OUTPUT] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL] [--obj-function {nodes,strings,weighted,depth,depth_and_len}] [--penalization PENALIZATION]
                   [--min-len MIN_LEN] [--time-limit TIME_LIMIT] [--threshold-vertical-blocks ALPHA] [--min-coverage MIN_COVERAGE] [--larger-decomposition] [--consistent]
                   [--cores THREADS] [--submsa_threads SUBMSA_THREADS] [--ilp-threads ILP_THREADS] [--max-memory MAX_MEMORY] [--min-rows-block MIN_ROWS_BLOCK]
                   [--max-rows-block MAX_ROWS_BLOCK] [--max-msa-size MAX_MSA_SIZE]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --dir-msa DIR_MSA     directory to MSAs in .fa format
  --dir-output DIR_OUTPUT
                        path to save the outputs in GFA format
  --log-level LOG_LEVEL
                        set log level (ERROR/WARNING/INFO/DEBUG)
  --obj-function {nodes,strings,weighted,depth,depth_and_len}
                        the objective function to optimize
  --penalization PENALIZATION
                        used only with the 'weighted', 'depth', and 'depth_and_len' obj function
  --min-len MIN_LEN     used only with the 'weighted' obj function
  --time-limit TIME_LIMIT
                        Timeout (in minutes) to stop ILP
  --threshold-vertical-blocks ALPHA
                        minimum width of a vertical block
  --min-coverage MIN_COVERAGE
                        used only with 'depth' obj function
                        if True, use complete-decomposition of blocks, otherwise use row-maximal decomposition
  --consistent          use an alpha-consistent strategy
  --cores THREADS       Number of cores to be used
  --submsa_threads SUBMSA_THREADS
  --ilp-threads ILP_THREADS
  --max-memory MAX_MEMORY
                        Maximum RAM used (in MBytes)
  --min-rows-block MIN_ROWS_BLOCK
  --max-rows-block MAX_ROWS_BLOCK
  --max-msa-size MAX_MSA_SIZE

Run a grid experiment

To construct variation graphs from MSAs, set parameters in params.yml and then run pangeblocks

snakemake -s pangeblocks.smk -c16 --use-conda # variation graph as GFA

for each file in the directory defined at PATH_INPUT a .gfa file will be created in PATH_OUTPUT/gfa-unchop

Running under docker

If you want to run pangeblocks on your data using docker, you have to provide the directory containing the MSA, replacing ./test/sars-cov-2-subMSA/ with your directory and adding the correct pangeblocks call, specifying the arguments. For example:

docker run -it --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \ 
-v ./DATADIR/:/data \
--mount type=bind,source=/tmp/pgb,target=/results \
/app/pangeblocks --path-msa /data/my.msa


  • Maximal blocks are computed with the Wild-PBWT
  • Troubleshooting Wild-PBWT requires SDSL, check this to install it
  • ILPs are solved using Gurobi, you might need a license
  • Each MSA must be in the ALPHABET ${A,C,G,T,-,N}$ Not case sensitive. We recommend to map all characters not in the alphabet to N.

How does it work?

pangeblocks creates a variation graph from an MSA by selecting a set of blocks. It creates a search space of blocks from maximal blocks, and then an Integer Linear Programming model selects the best subset of blocks to cover all cells of the MSA.

  • For each block we create a node with its label.
  • Consecutive blocks are connected by an arc.
  • Each input sequence in the MSA is spelled by a path in the graph

Finally, indels are removed from the graph (could be the remotion of an entire node, or the removal of indels in the label of a node), and non-branching paths are collapsed.

Supplementary tools

snakemake -s eda.smk -c16         # compute stats for each MSA

The above smk pipeline will analyze the MSAs and output two files in PATH_OUTPUT/analysis-msas:

  1. stats_msas.tsv with basic information about the MSAS: path, number of columns and rows (sequences), number of identical columns, and number of unique sequences
  2. problematic_msas.tsv: contains a list of MSAs that has no information


pangenome from maximal blocks in an MSA







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