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Simple Triangle Finder Using PySpark

This project finds triangular relationships in a randomly generated graph using PySpark.


The code generates a random graph of edges represented by pairs of nodes (u, v) and checks for triangular relationships. A triangle is formed when three nodes are mutually connected. The implementation utilizes the distributed computing capabilities of PySpark to efficiently process potentially large datasets.


  • Python
  • PySpark
  • Pandas

You can install PySpark using pip:

pip install pyspark

Code Explanation

1. Install PySpark

!pip install pyspark
  • This command installs the PySpark library, which is essential for running Spark applications.

2. Import Necessary Libraries

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
import pandas as pd
import random
from itertools import combinations
  • SparkSession: The entry point to using DataFrame and SQL functionalities.
  • pandas: Used for data manipulation and to create the CSV file.
  • random: Generates random integers for creating the edges of the graph.
  • combinations: A function from the itertools library to generate pairs of nodes for checking triangles.

3. Create the CSV File with Random Edges

edges = []
for _ in range(5000):
    u = random.randint(1, 100)
    v = random.randint(1, 100)
    if u < v:
        edges.append((u, v))
  • An empty list edges is initialized.
  • A loop runs 5000 times to generate random pairs of nodes (u, v):
    • Random integers u and v are generated in the range of 1 to 100.
    • The condition if u < v: ensures that the first number is always smaller than the second, preventing duplicate edges like (u, v) and (v, u).
  • Each valid edge (u, v) is appended to the edges list.

4. Create a DataFrame and Save to CSV

edges_df = pd.DataFrame(edges, columns=['u', 'v'])
edges_df.to_csv('random_edges.csv', index=False, header=False)
  • A Pandas DataFrame is created from the list of edges.
  • The DataFrame is saved as a CSV file named random_edges.csv, without the index and header.

5. Initialize Spark Session

spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("Triangle Finder").getOrCreate()
  • A Spark session is initialized with the application name "Triangle Finder".

6. Load the CSV File into an RDD

edges = spark.sparkContext.textFile("random_edges.csv").map(lambda line: tuple(map(int, line.split(','))))
  • The CSV file is loaded into an RDD using sparkContext.textFile().
  • Each line is split by a comma and converted into a tuple of integers (u, v).

7. Convert Edges to a Set for Quick Lookup

edge_set = set(edges.collect())  # Collect edges in a set for O(1) lookup
  • The collect() method retrieves all edges from the RDD and stores them in a set named edge_set.
  • This allows for O(1) average time complexity for checking the existence of an edge.

8. Group by Node to Get All Connected Nodes

grouped_edges = edges.groupByKey().mapValues(list)
  • The groupByKey() method groups edges by their starting node, resulting in a mapping of nodes to lists of their connected neighbors.
  • mapValues(list) converts the grouped values into lists for easy iteration.

9. Reduce Phase: Find Triangular Relationships Using edge_set

triangles = grouped_edges.flatMap(lambda node_neighbors: [
    (node_neighbors[0], (a, b)) for a, b in combinations(node_neighbors[1], 2)
    if (a, b) in edge_set or (b, a) in edge_set
  • For each node and its list of connected nodes:
    • The combinations function generates all possible pairs of connected nodes.
    • The flatMap function creates tuples of the form (node_neighbors[0], (a, b)) for each pair (a, b).
    • The condition checks if the edge (a, b) or (b, a) exists in edge_set, confirming a triangle formation (u, a, b).

10. Collect Results

result = triangles.collect()
  • The collect() method gathers the results from the RDD into a list named result.

11. Print Results

for triangle in result:
    print(f"Triangle found: {triangle}")
  • This loop iterates over the result list and prints any triangles found.

12. Stop the Spark Session

  • Finally, the Spark session is stopped to release resources.


The code effectively generates a random graph of edges, checks for triangular relationships within that graph using PySpark, and outputs any triangles found. The approach takes advantage of distributed computing capabilities to handle potentially large datasets efficiently. The key improvement in this version is the removal of unnecessary duplicate edge handling due to the condition u < v.

How to Run

  1. Copy the code into a Python environment that supports PySpark.
  2. Ensure that the required libraries are installed.
  3. Run the code to generate the graph and find triangles.

Triangle Finder Using OTP & ETTP with PySpark

Article Link

đź“„ Graph partitioning MapReduce-based algorithms for counting triangles in large-scale graphs


1. One Three Partition (OTP) Algorithm

The OTP algorithm partitions the graph into sub-graphs and counts triangles within those partitions. It distinguishes between three types of triangles based on their partitioning:

  • Type-1: All three vertices of the triangle are in the same partition.
  • Type-2: Two vertices are in the same partition, and the third vertex is in a different partition.
  • Type-3: All three vertices are in different partitions.

Implementation Details

  • The graph is represented using a list of edges, which is generated randomly for testing purposes.
  • The edges are mapped to their corresponding partitions based on their vertex values.
  • The triangles are counted by examining the neighbors of each edge in the partitions.

2. Enhanced Two-Tiered Partitioning (ETTP) Algorithm

The ETTP algorithm enhances the OTP by introducing a two-tiered partitioning mechanism to improve performance when counting triangles. This allows for a more efficient triangle detection process by reducing the number of comparisons needed.

Implementation Details

  • Similar to OTP, the ETTP algorithm first partitions the graph into two layers.
  • It counts triangles based on different types of edges—those within the same partition and those across partitions.

Comparison of Algorithms

The article compares the OTP and ETTP algorithms in terms of performance and efficiency. Here are the key findings:

  • Execution Time: The ETTP algorithm typically demonstrates a lower execution time than the OTP algorithm for larger datasets due to its enhanced partitioning strategy. The two-tiered approach reduces the number of triangle checks needed.

  • Triangle Counting Accuracy: Both algorithms yield accurate triangle counts, but the ETTP's method of handling partitions allows it to capture a more comprehensive view of triangles that might be missed by OTP in certain configurations.

  • Scalability: ETTP is shown to scale better with larger datasets, making it a preferred choice when working with extensive graphs.

Results Summary

  • OTP Performance: Generally effective for smaller datasets, but may struggle with execution time and efficiency as graph size increases.
  • ETTP Performance: Offers improved speed and scalability, making it more suitable for large-scale graph analysis.

Running the Algorithms

  1. Dependencies: Ensure you have Python and PySpark installed. You can install PySpark via pip:

    pip install pyspark
  2. Running in Google Colab: The implementations are suitable for execution in Google Colab. Upload the required CSV files or generate them using the provided code snippets.

  3. Execution: Each algorithm can be run in its respective Jupyter notebook. The output will display the triangles found in the graph, providing insights into the connectivity of the nodes.

Example Input

  • Random edges are generated and saved into a CSV file, which is then read by the algorithms to find triangles.


  • The output for both algorithms includes the sets of vertices forming triangles, printed to the console for review.


This project provides an efficient framework for counting triangles in large graphs using Spark. The implementation of both OTP and ETTP algorithms demonstrates the versatility of Spark for graph processing tasks. Users can adapt and extend these algorithms for more complex applications in network analysis.

If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to reach out!


Find Triangle Using ETTP & OTP Algorithms with Spark







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