AppGeo.Clients is a .NET library which provides a common, high-level client API for interacting with Esri's ArcGIS for Server and now unsupported ArcIMS. It's geometry model is OGC Simple Features. Developers can use GeoAPI interfaces to process the geometry with other compatible libraries.
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using AppGeo.Clients;
using AppGeo.Clients.Ags;
using GeoAPI.Geometries;
CommonHost host = new AgsHost("");
CommonMapService mapService = host.GetMapService("Demographics/USA_1990-2000_Population_Change");
int imageWidth = 500;
int imageHeight = 500;
Envelope extent = new Envelope(-8500000, -7500000, 5000000, 6000000);
CommonLayer layer = mapService.Layers.First(o => o.Name == "Counties");
CommonMap map = mapService.DefaultDataFrame.GetMap(imageWidth, imageHeight, extent);
byte[] imageData = map.GetImageBytes();
FeatureData featureData = layer.GetFeatureData("Shape,ID,Name", "ST_ABBREV = 'MA'");
FeatureRow feature = featureData.Rows.First(o => (string)o.Values[2] == "Middlesex County");
IGeometry geometry = feature.Values[0] as IGeometry;
Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Blue, 4);
pen.LineJoin = LineJoin.Round;
using (MapGraphics graphics = map.GetMapGraphics())
graphics.DrawGeometry(pen, geometry);
imageData = graphics.GetImageBytes();
- Provides complete service and layer metadata.
- Supports map image generation, feature querying and geocoding.
- Map features contain OGC geometry through GeoAPI and NetTopologySuite.
- Automatically vectorizes parametric curves returned from ArcGIS for Server.
- MapGraphics class extends System.Drawing.Graphics to support the drawing of OGC geometry.
- Can access secured map services, supports Windows and token-based authentication in ArcGIS for Server.
- All classes in AppGeo.Clients.Ags are Serializable for caching to any object store.
- Communicates with ArcGIS for Server is via its SOAP SDK.
- Dumps SOAP traffic to the debug window or a trace log with the AgsDebug and AgsTrace switches in a <system.diagnostics> configuration.
- .NET 3.5 and above.