The ControlWorkflows
repository hosts the configuration tree for AliECS workflow templates (WFT) and task templates (TT).
- FLP Suite Workflow Configuration
This is mostly relevant to coconut
users and users who edit or produce their own WFTs and TTs.
All AliECS variables are strings. Some workflow templates can choose to treat a string variable as a JSON payload, with built in functions such as ToJson
, but they are always provided as strings by the user, and stored as strings in the key-value map.
Boolean values are also stored as strings, i.e. "true"
and "false"
. This is because they can be read in as template expressions, i.e. strings, which are then processed into boolean values during workflow loading.
All variables except hosts
are optional.
Variable | Description | Example | Default |
hosts |
JSON-formatted list of hosts to control the scale of certain workflows | ["myhost1","myhost2"] |
[] |
log_task_stdout |
Forward task stdout to InfoLogger and executor stdout, executor stdout only, or nowhere | all , stdout or none |
depends on WFT, usually none |
log_task_stderr |
Forward task stderr to InfoLogger and executor stdout, executor stdout only, or nowhere | all , stdout or none |
depends on WFT, usually none |
readout_cfg_uri |
URI of a Readout configuration payload | consul-ini://{{ consul_endpoint }}/o2/components/readout/ANY/any/readout-standalone-{{ task_hostname }} |
depends on WFT |
user |
Name of the Linux user that should run all tasks | root |
flp |
All variables are optional.
Variable | Description | Default |
roc_ctp_emulator_enabled |
If true, o2-roc-ctp-emulator will run during START to get data from CRU without LTU |
false |
roc_trigger_mode |
Trigger mode for o2-roc-ctp-emulator (only if roc_ctp_emulator_enabled is true ) |
continuous |
roc_ctp_emulator_endpoints |
List of CRU endpoints to emulate trigger (only if roc_ctp_emulator_enabled is true ) |
["#0"] |
detector |
Detector name string, used for dataspec strings and other task parameters | TEST |
dd_enabled |
If true, Data Distribution components will run and process data produced by Readout | true |
qcdd_enabled |
If true, QualityControl components will run and process data forwarded by StfBuilder |
false |
stfb_standalone |
If true, StfBuilder runs with --stand-alone and StfSender is disabled (only if dd_enabled is true ) |
false |
dd_discovery_net_if |
The name of the InfiniBand interface for StfSender output (only if dd_enabled is true ) |
lo |
dd_discovery_endpoint |
URI of the Data Distribution Consul instance (only if dd_enabled is true ) |
no-op:// |
roc_cleanup_enabled |
Run o2-roc-cleanup after environment shutdown |
true |
fmq_cleanup_enabled |
Run fairmq-shmmonitor -c after environment shutdown |
true |
fmq_severity |
Severity level for FairMQ (including Data Distribution) stdout messages |
info |
fmq_verbosity |
Verbosity level for FairMQ (including Data Distribution) stdout messages |
high |
rdh_version |
RDH version for StfBuilder (only if dd_enabled is true ) |
no-op:// |
The workflow requires a string json array of the hosts (e.g ["flp1","flp1"]
) when it is executed. It will retrieve all the cru cards and their endpoints.
The default behaviour, if no variables are passed, is to apply the configuration from the o2/components/readoutcard/<host>/cru/<card>/<endpoint>
to all cards and endpoints. All the parameters along with the default values are provided on the following tables. Examples on how to execute the workflow with coconut can be found here.
All variables are optional.
Variable | Description | Default |
roc_config_uri_enabled |
If true, o2-roc-config will run using the --config-uri flag and the config found at the consul service under the {{ consul_prefix }}/{{ host }}/cru/{{ card }}/ |
"true" |
consul_port |
The port that consul service is running | 8500 |
consul_prefix |
The consul prefix where the cru configuration is stored | o2/components/readoutcard |
cards |
A string json array with all the cards in the host, provided by CRUCardsForHost(hostname) (e.g ["1251","1276"] ) |
{{CRUCardsForHost( hostname )}} |
card_endpoints |
A string with card endpoints separated by spaces, provided by {{EndpointsForCRUCard( host, card )}} (e.g 0 1 ) |
{{EndpointsForCRUCard( host, card )}} |
This will be executed when roc_config_uri_enabled
is disabled ("roc_config_uri_enabled":"false"
All variables are optional.
Variable | Description | Default |
rocConfigLinks |
Value to be passed to the --links flag (e.g 1,2,3 or 0-11 ) |
0 |
rocConfigAllowRejection |
If true, the flag --allow-rejection will be set to the o2-roc-config command |
"false" |
rocConfigClock |
Value to be passed to the --clock flag |
rocConfigCruId |
Value to be passed to the --cru-id flag |
0x0 |
rocConfigCrocId |
Value to be passed to the --crorc-id flag |
0x0 |
rocConfigDatapathMode |
Value to be passed to the --datapathmode flag |
rocConfigDownstreamData |
Value to be passed to the --downstreamdata flag |
rocConfigGbtMode |
Value to be passed to the --gbtmode flag |
rocConfigLoopback |
If true, the flag --loopback will be set to the o2-roc-config command |
"false" |
rocConfigPonUpstream |
If true, the flag --pon-upstream will be set to the o2-roc-config command |
"false" |
rocConfigDynOffset |
If true, the flag --dyn-offset will be set to the o2-roc-config command |
"false" |
rocConfigOnuAddress |
Value to be passed to the --onu-address flag |
0 |
rocConfigForceConfig |
If true, the flag --force-config will be set to the o2-roc-config command |
"false" |
rocConfigBypassFwCheck |
If true, the flag --bypass-fw-check will be set to the o2-roc-config command |
"false" |
rocConfigTriggerWindowSize |
Value to be passed to the --trigger-window-size flag |
1000 |
rocConfigNoGBT |
If true, the flag --no-gbt will be set to the o2-roc-config command |
"false" |
rocConfigUserLogic |
If true, the flag --user-logic will be set to the o2-roc-config command |
"false" |
rocConfigRunStats |
If true, the flag --run-stats will be set to the o2-roc-config command |
"false" |
rocConfigUserAndCommonLogic |
If true, the flag --user-and-common-logic will be set to the o2-roc-config command |
"false" |
rocConfigNoTfDetection |
If true, the flag --no-tf-detection will be set to the o2-roc-config command |
"false" |
rocConfigTfLength |
Value to be passed to the --tf-length flag |
256 |
rocConfigSystemId |
Value to be passed to the --system-id flag |
0x0 |
rocConfigFEEId |
Value to be passed to the --fee-id flag |
0x0 |
Below there are some examples on how to execute the o2-roc-config
# Run o2-roc-config for all the cards and all endpoints using the configuration stored in consul under o2/components/readoutcard/<host>/cru/
coconut e c -a -w o2-roc-config -e '{"hosts":["<host>"]}'
# Run o2-roc-config for all the cards and specific endpoint (0) using the configuration stored in consul under o2/components/readoutcard/<host>/cru/
coconut e c -a -w o2-roc-config -e '{"hosts":["<host>"],"card_endpoints":"0"}'
# Run o2-roc-config for a specific card (1275) and all endpoints using the configuration stored in consul under o2/components/readoutcard/<host>/cru/1275/
coconut e c -a -w o2-roc-config -e '{"hosts":["<host>"],"cards":["1275"]}'
# Run o2-roc-config using the flag arguements with default values
coconut e c -a -w o2-roc-config -e '{"hosts":["<host>"],"roc_config_uri_enabled":"false"}'
# Run o2-roc-config using the flag arguements and `--force-config
coconut e c -a -w o2-roc-config -e '{"hosts":["<host>"],"roc_config_uri_enabled":"false", "rocConfigForceConfig":"true"}'
Variable | Description | Default |
dcs_enabled |
If true and if the DCS plugin is enabled and configured, AliECS interfaces with the DCS service | false |
dcs_detectors |
The list of detectors for DCS SOR/EOR, passed as JSON list (see protofile for allowed values) | ["NULL_DETECTOR"] |
dcs_sor_parameters |
A key-value map of string parameters for DCS SOR, passed as JSON object | {} (empty JSON document) |
dcs_eor_parameters |
A key-value map of string parameters for DCS EOR, passed as JSON object | {} (empty JSON document) |
Example: coconut env create -w readout-dataflow -e '{"hosts":"[\"alio2-cr1-flp999\"]","dcs_enabled":"true","dcs_detectors":"[\"TPC\",\"ITS\"]"}'
Variable | Description | Default |
ddsched_enabled |
If true and if the DD scheduler plugin is enabled and configured, AliECS interfaces with the DD scheduler | false |
Please note that dd_enabled
, which enables the FLP side of the Data Distribution chain, must also be true
for the DD scheduler to work, and incoming connections to StfSender
instances must be possible. The runtime variables dd_discovery_ib_hostname
, dd_discovery_stfb_id
and dd_discovery_stfs_id
are automatically generated by the readout-dataflow
workflow template and used by the DD scheduler plugin. In most cases no attempt should be made to override them.
Variable | Description | Default |
odc_enabled |
If true and if the ODC plugin is enabled and configured, AliECS interfaces with the EPN cluster control | false |
odc_plugin |
The resource management system plugin to be used by ODC for deployment | empty string |
odc_resources |
A resource declaration used by ODC for deployment | empty string |
odc_topology_path |
Path to a DDS topology file, local to the ODC target machine | /etc/o2.d/odc/ex-dds-topology-infinite.xml |
Any variable prefixed with odc_
will be pushed to all ODC-controlled hosts as a task configuration parameter (ultimately a FairMQ options key-value). For example, setting odc_my_value: someValue
on AliECS pushes the key-value pair my_value: someValue
to ODC, which in turn propagates it to all controlled tasks.
In order for any of the integration variables to work, the AliECS core must have the relevant plugins enabled. The following plugin configuration parameters can be passed to the AliECS core at startup time as command line flags, or as YAML/JSON key-values in Consul /o2/components/aliecs/ANY/any/settings
. Prefix with //
if providing an IP address instead of a hostname.
--integrationPlugins strings List of integration plugins to load (default: empty)
--dcsServiceEndpoint host:port Endpoint of the DCS gRPC service (host:port) (default "//")
--dcsServiceUseSystemProxy When true the https_proxy, http_proxy and no_proxy environment variables are obeyed
--ddSchedulerEndpoint host:port Endpoint of the DD scheduler gRPC service (host:port) (default "//")
--ddSchedulerUseSystemProxy When true the https_proxy, http_proxy and no_proxy environment variables are obeyed
--odcEndpoint host:port Endpoint of the ODC gRPC service (host:port) (default "//")
--odcUseSystemProxy When true the https_proxy, http_proxy and no_proxy environment variables are obeyed
- dcs
- ddsched
- odc
dcsServiceEndpoint: some-host:50051
ddSchedulerEndpoint: some-other-host-ib:50000
odcEndpoint: yet-another-host-ib:22334
If you just need a procedure to come back to, you can now follow these simplified instructions.
- Prepare the workflow
- Clone ControlWorkflows from your fork:
git clone<yourGHusername>/ControlWorkflows.git
- Make sure that you are in line with the correct branch:
git remote add upstream git fetch upstream git checkout flp-suite-v0.xx.0 git checkout -b my-branch
- Update a DPL command in
or add a new one - If you need to use config files, add or update them in Consul
- Add the new workflow names to the lists in
- Commit and push the changes
- Clone ControlWorkflows from your fork:
- Test it
- Add the fork to the AliECS or ask the FLP team to do so:
coconut repo add<yourGHusername>/ControlWorkflows.git
- Refresh the repository (refresh button in the AliECS GUI)
- In the ECS, create a new environment.
- Set the fork and the branch to match yours.
- Select the added or updated FLP workflow in the FLP workflows panel.
- If using a QC node workflow, enable the "QC node workflows" button and select the workflow.
- Optionally add the variable
and set it toall
to make sure you can see the output of the tasks in the Infologger. - Run and check that it starts and stops without failures.
- Add the fork to the AliECS or ask the FLP team to do so:
- Make a PR to the master ControlWorkflows
This repository contains configuration of DPL workflows which should run on FLPs and QC nodes. EPN workflows are defined in the O2DPG repository.
For data-taking environments, we use the master workflow template readout-dataflow
Within, one can declare which DPL workflows it may be include, for example:
mid_dpl_workflow: !public
value: "none"
type: string
label: "MID FLP workflow"
description: "Workflow to execute on the FLPs of this detector"
widget: dropDownBox
panel: FLP_Workflows
- none
- mid-raw-decoder
- mid-digits-qcmn-local
- minimal-dpl
- qc-daq
- qcmn-daq-local
mid_qc_remote_workflow: !public
value: "none"
type: string
label: "MID QC node workflow"
description: "Workflow to execute on QC servers for this detector"
widget: dropDownBox
panel: FLP_Workflows
- none
- mid-qcmn-epn-digits
- mid-digits-qcmn-remote
- mid-full-qcmn-remote
- qcmn-daq-remote
- mid-calib-qcmn-remote
The names listed in the values
arrays correspond to files with DPL commands located in the jit
These workflows can be then selected in the AliECS GUI for the concrete detectors.
During creation of an environment, AliECS generates workflow & task templates Just-In-Time (JIT) or reuses the most recent ones if the workflow, software version and config files have not changed.
Thus, to add a new workflow, one should add a file with the DPL command to jit
and its name to the corresponding values
array in readout-dataflow
To understand some details of how the DPL commands should look like and JIT workflow generation, please read the sections below.
DPL workflows on FLPs should always receive data from STFBuilder, optionally process them and send to STFSender. The first and the last requirements are handled by the input and output DPL proxies. Note that any o2-dpl-raw-proxy that receives data from DataDistribution must add the command line argument "--inject-missing-data". (This option must not be set if the data does not come from DataDistribution!) The simplest possible DPL workflow command for an FLP receives data from STFBuilder and passes it to STFSender without any processing:
o2-dpl-raw-proxy -b --session default \
--dataspec 'x:TST/RAWDATA;dd:FLP/DISTSUBTIMEFRAME/0' --inject-missing-data \
--readout-proxy '--channel-config "name=readout-proxy,type=pull,method=connect,address=ipc:///tmp/stf-builder-dpl-pipe-0,transport=shmem,rateLogging=10"' \
| o2-dpl-output-proxy --environment "DPL_OUTPUT_PROXY_ORDERED=1" -b --session default \
--dpl-output-proxy '--channel-config "name=downstream,type=push,method=bind,address=ipc:///tmp/stf-pipe-0,rateLogging=10,transport=shmem"'
The --dataspec
arguments define what kind of data is expected both in the input and output proxies.
env var is required by the DPL to correctly order output proxies.
The readout-dataflow
workflow requires that the input proxy contains a channel named readout-proxy
, while the output proxy should provide the channel downstream
This way the AliECS can find the other ends of the channels used by the STFBuilder and STFSender to send and receive data.
There can be only one set of proxies interacting with Data Distribution at the same time.
The pipe |
character connects the two or more workflows by letting the preceding one transfer its structure to the next one and letting the last execute all the processes (the pipe does not transfer data, just the workflow configuration!).
Let's consider a more realistic example - the PHOS compressor. In such case, the DPL command looks as follows:
o2-dpl-raw-proxy -b --session default \
--dataspec 'x:PHS/RAWDATA;dd:FLP/DISTSUBTIMEFRAME/0' --inject-missing-data \
--readout-proxy '--channel-config "name=readout-proxy,type=pull,method=connect,address=ipc:///tmp/stf-builder-dpl-pipe-0,transport=shmem,rateLogging=1"' \
| o2-phos-reco-workflow -b --input-type raw --output-type cells --session default --disable-root-output \
| o2-dpl-output-proxy --environment "DPL_OUTPUT_PROXY_ORDERED=1" -b --session default \
--dpl-output-proxy '--channel-config "name=downstream,type=push,method=bind,address=ipc:///tmp/stf-pipe-0,rateLogging=1,transport=shmem"'
Notice that the dataspecs
of the I/O proxies were changed accordingly to the expected data origin and description.
If you do not know what these should be, you should ask the developer of the workflow in question or investigate yourself the workflow structure by executing it with the --dump
While preparing the DPL command, please avoid adding Data Processors which dump data to local files - these might get big during the data-taking and use all available resources.
In case you would like to run the full QC chain (Tasks, Checks, QCDB upload, PostProcessing) on an FLP, just add the QC executable to the DPL command, as in the example below.
Use consul-json://
as the backend and the template variable {{ consul_endpoint}}
for the Consul hostname.
o2-dpl-raw-proxy -b --session default --dataspec 'A1:FDD/RAWDATA;dd:FLP/DISTSUBTIMEFRAME/0' --inject-missing-data --readout-proxy '--channel-config "name=readout-proxy,type=pull,method=connect,address=ipc:///tmp/stf-builder-dpl-pipe-0,transport=shmem,rateLogging=10"' \
| o2-fdd-flp-dpl-workflow -b --session default --output-dir=/tmp --nevents 10000 --configKeyValues 'NameConf.mCCDBServer=;' \
| o2-dpl-output-proxy --environment DPL_OUTPUT_PROXY_ORDERED=1 -b --session default --dataspec 'digits:FDD/DIGITSBC/0;channels:FDD/DIGITSCH/0;dd:FLP/DISTSUBTIMEFRAME/0' --dpl-output-proxy '--channel-config "name=downstream,type=push,method=bind,address=ipc:///tmp/stf-pipe-0,rateLogging=10,transport=shmem"' \
| o2-qc --config consul-json://{{ consul_endpoint }}/o2/components/qc/ANY/any/fdd-digits-qc -b --configKeyValues 'NameConf.mCCDBServer=;'
If the expected production setup includes QC running in parallel on many FLPs, one should generate two workflow templates - one for the FLP part, another one which should run on a QC server.
First, one should prepare DPL commands and QC config file according to the multinode QC setup documentation.
Then, at least two DPL workflows should be added, one (or more) for FLPs and one for QC node, which will merge and check the results. The first usually use the -local
suffix in the name, the latter use -remote
In this case, the local part of the QC workflow is run on EPNs (controlled by ODC), while the remote part is still executed on QC servers (controlled directly by AliECS). Both parts should use the same version of QC and the underlying software stack.
First, please make sure that the QC config file contains valid "remoteMachine"
and "remotePort"
parameters, as they are not dynamically assigned for connections between the two control systems.
The remote machine name might need the
Please use the port number within the range allocated to your subsystem, as in the table below.
It is highly advised to check the connection with a simple TCP client/server application beforehand (e.g. nc
Also, do not forget to add "localControl" : "odc"
in the QC task configuration, which will make AliECS templates avoid dynamic resource assignement.
Subsystem port ranges for remote connections from EPNs
Subsystem | Port range start | Port range end |
CPV | 29000 | 29049 |
CTP | 29050 | 29099 |
DAQ | 29100 | 29149 |
EMC | 29150 | 29199 |
FDD | 29200 | 29249 |
FT0 | 29250 | 29299 |
FV0 | 29300 | 29349 |
GLO | 29350 | 29399 |
HMP | 29400 | 29449 |
ITS | 29450 | 29499 |
MCH | 29500 | 29549 |
MFT | 29550 | 29599 |
MID | 29600 | 29649 |
PHS | 29650 | 29699 |
PID | 29700 | 29749 |
TOF | 29750 | 29799 |
TPC | 29800 | 29849 |
TRD | 29850 | 29899 |
ZDC | 29900 | 29949 |
Please contact the PDP team for details on running the local QC workflows (the part running on EPN).
The QC server part requires a DPL command file in the jit
directory, similarly to the case of running parallel QC on FLPs.
Currently recommended way to approach this is to combine the FLP and EPN QC config files and use different "localMachines"
for them.
Then, one can use different --host
parameter to the local QC workflows to indicate which tasks should be running in the given environment.
The remote QC workflow should be just one.
The JIT generation system relies on the existence & health of the following parts:
- DPL command provided
- The full DPL command can be found in
ControlWorfklows/jit/[workflow name]
- Alternatively, a custom DPL command can be provided through the "Advanced Configuration" panel, which will take precedence over the workflow normally selected through the interface. See the next subsection for details.
- The full DPL command can be found in
- Consul payloads (e.g. QC config files) contained in the DPL command
- These are parsed from the provided DPL command string and Consul is queried regarding their version to ensure freshness.
- JIT-specific env vars, which are common to all JIT-generated workflows
- These are expected on the deployment's Consul instance under
- These are expected on the deployment's Consul instance under
- The O2 & QualityControl versions
- The O2 & QualityControl RPM versions are queried by AliECS to ensure workflow freshness.
- The command provided either in the file or via a parameter in the GUI should be a one-liner.
It is very unlikely that you will need this.
In case that you would like to generate workflow and task templates, which are normally generated automatically by AliECS with the JIT translation, use the following instructions.
Please make sure that you are using the same software stack as the one which will run on the target machines. If different versions are used, there is a risk that the workflows will not be deployed correctly in case that they were modified.
To export a workflow template, follow these steps:
- Load the O2 (and QC if needed) environment:
alienv enter O2/latest
# or
alienv enter QualityControl/latest # will load also O2
- Go to your local ControlWorkflows repository (clone if needed), preferably create a new branch from master.
- Run the DPL command with
--o2-control <workflow-name>
argument at the end. For example:
o2-dpl-raw-proxy -b --session default \
--dataspec 'x:PHS/RAWDATA;dd:FLP/DISTSUBTIMEFRAME/0' --inject-missing-data \
--readout-proxy '--channel-config "name=readout-proxy,type=pull,method=connect,address=ipc:///tmp/stf-builder-dpl-pipe-0,transport=shmem,rateLogging=1"' \
| o2-phos-reco-workflow -b --input-type raw --output-type cells --session default --disable-root-output \
| o2-dpl-output-proxy --environment "DPL_OUTPUT_PROXY_ORDERED=1" -b --session default \
--dpl-output-proxy '--channel-config "name=downstream,type=push,method=bind,address=ipc:///tmp/stf-pipe-0,rateLogging=1,transport=shmem"' \
--o2-control phos-compressor
If there are no problems with the workflow, you will see a similar output:
[INFO] Dumping the workflow configuration for AliECS.
[INFO] Creating directories 'workflows' and 'tasks'.
[INFO] ... created.
[INFO] Creating a workflow dump 'phos-compressor'.
[INFO] This topology will connect to the channel 'readout-proxy', which is most likely bound outside. Please provide the path to this channel under the name 'path_to_readout_proxy' in the mother workflow.
[INFO] Creating a task dump for 'internal-dpl-clock'.
[INFO] ...created.
[INFO] Creating a task dump for 'readout-proxy'.
[INFO] ...created.
[INFO] Creating a task dump for 'PHOSRawToCellConverterSpec'.
[INFO] ...created.
[INFO] Creating a task dump for 'dpl-output-proxy'.
[INFO] This topology will bind a dangling channel 'downstream'. Please make sure that another device connects to this channel elsewhere.
[INFO] ...created.
[INFO] Creating a task dump for 'internal-dpl-injected-dummy-sink'.
[INFO] ...created.
The corresponding workflow template (list of processes to run) will be created in the workflows
directory and the tasks templates (processes configurations) will be put under the tasks
In case that a DPL workflow uses configuration files, you might need to replace their paths with the ones that should be used in the target setup.
A templated DPL command may be passed through the dpl_command
variable, prefixed with the detector code (
e.g. its_dpl_command
for the ITS). The variable may be set through the AliECS GUI environment creation page under
the "Advanced Configuration" panel.
For example, the equivalent of the minimal DPL workflow can be achieved by setting the following KV pair (assuming ITS as a target):
- through the "Add single pair:" key and value fields.
key: its_dpl_command
o2-dpl-raw-proxy -b --session default --dataspec 'x:{{ detector }}/RAWDATA;dd:FLP/DISTSUBTIMEFRAME/0' --inject-missing-data --readout-proxy '--channel-config "name=readout-proxy,type=pull,method=connect,address=ipc:///tmp/stf-builder-dpl-pipe-0,transport=shmem,rateLogging=10"' | o2-dpl-output-proxy -b --session default --dataspec 'x:{{ detector }}/RAWDATA;dd:FLP/DISTSUBTIMEFRAME/0' --dpl-output-proxy '--channel-config "name=downstream,type=push,method=bind,address=ipc:///tmp/stf-pipe-0,rateLogging=10,transport=shmem"'
- through the "Add a JSON with multiple pairs:" field (make sure to escape the inner
"its_dpl_command": "o2-dpl-raw-proxy -b --session default --dataspec 'x:{{ detector }}/RAWDATA;dd:FLP/DISTSUBTIMEFRAME/0' --inject-missing-data --readout-proxy '--channel-config \"name=readout-proxy,type=pull,method=connect,address=ipc:///tmp/stf-builder-dpl-pipe-0,transport=shmem,rateLogging=10\"' | o2-dpl-output-proxy -b --session default --dataspec 'x:{{ detector }}/RAWDATA;dd:FLP/DISTSUBTIMEFRAME/0' --dpl-output-proxy '--channel-config \"name=downstream,type=push,method=bind,address=ipc:///tmp/stf-pipe-0,rateLogging=10,transport=shmem\"'"
Everything described in this subsection for the dpl_command
for FLP workflows is also applicable
to the qc_dpl_command
for QC node workflows.
In order to ensure a successful collaboration with AliECS GUI, every pull request will run a git diff
command to ensure no changes are done to the naming of certain variables (full list here) that are used on the AliECS GUI side.
If the checks identify any such breaking changes, the pipeline will fail with information on what labels were identified. In such case the developer of AliECS GUI should be notified before the pull request is merged.
These checks are ran automatically against macOS-latest
Source code can be found here.
With the future releases we plan to allow for Just-In-Time workflow translation. It means that one will not have to export the templates manually anymore and they will only need to provide a file with the standalone DPL command.