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PWGHF: new task for W/Z->e in mid-rapidity (#7582)
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sashingo authored Oct 3, 2024
1 parent f397714 commit c8ab91c
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions PWGHF/HFL/Tasks/CMakeLists.txt
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# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.

SOURCES taskElectronWeakBoson.cxx

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255 changes: 255 additions & 0 deletions PWGHF/HFL/Tasks/taskElectronWeakBoson.cxx
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// Copyright 2019-2020 CERN and copyright holders of ALICE O2.
// See for details of the copyright holders.
// All rights not expressly granted are reserved.
// This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
// License v3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".
// In applying this license CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities
// granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization
// or submit itself to any jurisdiction.

/// \file taskElectronWeakBoson.cxx
/// \brief task for WeakBoson (W/Z) based on electron in mid-rapidity
/// \author S. Sakai & S. Ito (Univ. of Tsukuba)

#include "Framework/runDataProcessing.h"
#include "Framework/AnalysisTask.h"
#include "Framework/ASoAHelpers.h"

#include "EMCALBase/Geometry.h"
#include "EMCALCalib/BadChannelMap.h"

#include "DataFormatsEMCAL/Cell.h"
#include "DataFormatsEMCAL/Constants.h"
#include "DataFormatsEMCAL/AnalysisCluster.h"

#include "Common/Core/RecoDecay.h"
#include "Common/DataModel/EventSelection.h"
#include "Common/DataModel/TrackSelectionTables.h"
#include "Common/DataModel/PIDResponse.h"

#include "PWGJE/DataModel/EMCALClusters.h"

using namespace o2;
using namespace o2::framework;
using namespace o2::framework::expressions;

struct HfTaskElectronWeakBoson {

// configurable parameters
Configurable<int> nBinsPt{"nBinsPt", 100, "N bins in pt registry"};
Configurable<float> BinPtmax{"BinPtmax", 100.0, "maximum pt registry"};
Configurable<int> nBinsE{"nBinsE", 100, "N bins in E registry"};
Configurable<float> BinEmax{"BinEmax", 100.0, "maximum E registry"};

Configurable<float> vtxZ{"vtxZ", 10.f, ""};

Configurable<float> etaTrLow{"etaTrLow", -0.6f, "minimun track eta"};
Configurable<float> etaTrUp{"etaTrUp", 0.6f, "maximum track eta"};
Configurable<float> dcaxyMax{"dcaxyMax", 2.0f, "mximum DCA xy"};
Configurable<float> chi2ItsMax{"chi2ItsMax", 15.0f, "its chi2 cut"};
Configurable<float> ptMin{"ptMin", 3.0f, "minimum pT cut"};
Configurable<float> chi2TpcMax{"chi2TpcMax", 4.0f, "tpc chi2 cut"};
Configurable<float> nclItsMin{"nclItsMin", 2.0f, "its # of cluster cut"};
Configurable<float> nclTpcMin{"nclTpcMin", 100.0f, "tpc # if cluster cut"};
Configurable<float> nclcrossTpcMin{"nclcrossTpcMin", 100.0f, "tpc # of crossedRows cut"};
Configurable<float> nsigTpcMin{"nsigTpcMin", -1.0, "tpc Nsig lower cut"};
Configurable<float> nsigTpcMax{"nsigTpcMax", 3.0, "tpc Nsig upper cut"};

Configurable<float> phiEmcMin{"phiEmcMin", 1.39, "EMC phi acc min"};
Configurable<float> phiEmcMax{"phiEmcMax", 3.36, "EMC phi acc max"};
Configurable<int> clusterDefinition{"clusterDefinition", 10, "cluster definition to be selected, e.g. 10=kV3Default"};
Configurable<float> timeEmcMin{"timeEmcMin", -25., "Minimum EMCcluster timing"};
Configurable<float> timeEmcMax{"timeEmcMax", +20., "Maximum EMCcluster timing"};
Configurable<float> m02Min{"m02Min", 0.1, "Minimum M02"};
Configurable<float> m02Max{"m02Max", 0.9, "Maximum M02"};
Configurable<float> rMatchMax{"rMatchMax", 0.1, "cluster - track matching cut"};

using SelectedClusters = o2::aod::EMCALClusters;
// PbPb
using TrackEle = o2::soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::FullTracks, o2::aod::TracksExtra, o2::aod::TracksDCA, o2::aod::TrackSelection, o2::aod::pidTPCFullEl>;

// pp
// using TrackEle = o2::soa::Filtered<o2::soa::Join<o2::aod::Tracks, o2::aod::FullTracks, o2::aod::TracksDCA, o2::aod::TrackSelection, o2::aod::pidTPCEl, o2::aod::pidTOFEl>>;

// Filter
Filter eventFilter = (o2::aod::evsel::sel8 == true);
Filter posZFilter = (nabs(o2::aod::collision::posZ) < vtxZ);

Filter etafilter = (aod::track::eta < etaTrUp) && (aod::track::eta > etaTrLow);
Filter dcaxyfilter = (nabs(aod::track::dcaXY) < dcaxyMax);
Filter filter_globalTr = requireGlobalTrackInFilter();

Filter clusterDefinitionSelection = (o2::aod::emcalcluster::definition == clusterDefinition) && (o2::aod::emcalcluster::time >= timeEmcMin) && (o2::aod::emcalcluster::time <= timeEmcMax) && (o2::aod::emcalcluster::m02 > m02Min) && (o2::aod::emcalcluster::m02 < m02Max);

// Data Handling Objects
Preslice<o2::aod::EMCALClusterCells> perCluster = o2::aod::emcalclustercell::emcalclusterId;
Preslice<o2::aod::EMCALAmbiguousClusterCells> perClusterAmb = o2::aod::emcalclustercell::emcalambiguousclusterId;
PresliceUnsorted<o2::aod::EMCALMatchedTracks> perClusterMatchedTracks = o2::aod::emcalmatchedtrack::trackId;

// Histogram registry: an object to hold your registrygrams
HistogramRegistry registry{"registry"};

void init(InitContext const&)

// define axes you want to use
const AxisSpec axisZvtx{400, -20, 20, "Zvtx"};
const AxisSpec axisCounter{1, 0, 1, "events"};
const AxisSpec axisEta{200, -1.0, 1.0, "#eta"};
const AxisSpec axisPt{nBinsPt, 0, BinPtmax, "p_{T}"};
const AxisSpec axisNsigma{100, -5, 5, "N#sigma"};
const AxisSpec axisE{nBinsE, 0, BinEmax, "Energy"};
const AxisSpec axisM02{100, 0, 1, "M02"};
const AxisSpec axisdPhi{200, -1, 1, "dPhi"};
const AxisSpec axisdEta{200, -1, 1, "dEta"};
const AxisSpec axisPhi{350, 0, 7, "Phi"};
const AxisSpec axisEop{200, 0, 2, "Eop"};
const AxisSpec axisChi2{500, 0.0, 50.0, "#chi^{2}"};
const AxisSpec axisCluster{100, 0.0, 200.0, "counts"};
const AxisSpec axisITSNCls{20, 0.0, 20, "counts"};
const AxisSpec axisEMCtime{200, -100.0, 100, "EMC time"};

// create registrygrams
registry.add("hZvtx", "Z vertex", kTH1F, {axisZvtx});
registry.add("hEventCounter", "hEventCounter", kTH1F, {axisCounter});
registry.add("hITSchi2", "ITS #chi^{2}", kTH1F, {axisChi2});
registry.add("hTPCchi2", "TPC #chi^{2}", kTH1F, {axisChi2});
registry.add("hTPCnCls", "TPC NCls", kTH1F, {axisCluster});
registry.add("hITSnCls", "ITS NCls", kTH1F, {axisITSNCls});
registry.add("hTPCnClsCrossedRows", "TPC NClsCrossedRows", kTH1F, {axisCluster});
registry.add("hEta", "track eta", kTH1F, {axisEta});
registry.add("hPt", "track pt", kTH1F, {axisPt});
registry.add("hTPCNsigma", "TPC electron Nsigma", kTH2F, {{axisPt}, {axisNsigma}});
registry.add("hEnergy", "EMC cluster energy", kTH1F, {axisE});
registry.add("hM02", "EMC M02", kTH2F, {{axisNsigma}, {axisM02}});
registry.add("hM20", "EMC M20", kTH2F, {{axisNsigma}, {axisM02}});
registry.add("hTrMatch", "Track EMC Match", kTH2F, {{axisdPhi}, {axisdEta}});
registry.add("hTrMatch_mim", "Track EMC Match minimu minimumm", kTH2F, {{axisdPhi}, {axisdEta}});
registry.add("hMatchPhi", "Match in Phi", kTH2F, {{axisPhi}, {axisPhi}});
registry.add("hMatchEta", "Match in Eta", kTH2F, {{axisEta}, {axisEta}});
registry.add("hEop", "energy momentum match", kTH2F, {{axisPt}, {axisEop}});
registry.add("hEopNsigTPC", "Eop vs. Nsigma", kTH2F, {{axisNsigma}, {axisEop}});
registry.add("hEMCtime", "EMC timing", kTH1F, {axisEMCtime});

void process(soa::Filtered<aod::Collisions>::iterator const& collision,
SelectedClusters const& emcClusters,
TrackEle const& tracks,
o2::aod::EMCALMatchedTracks const& matchedtracks)
registry.fill(HIST("hEventCounter"), 0.5);

// LOGF(info, "Collision index : %d", collision.index());
// LOGF(info, "Number of tracks: %d", tracks.size());
// LOGF(info, "Number of clusters: %d", clusters.size());

registry.fill(HIST("hZvtx"), collision.posZ());

for (const auto& track : tracks) {

if (std::abs(track.eta()) > etaTrUp)
if (track.tpcNClsCrossedRows() < nclcrossTpcMin)
if (std::abs(track.dcaXY()) > dcaxyMax)
if (track.itsChi2NCl() > chi2ItsMax)
if (track.tpcChi2NCl() > chi2TpcMax)
if (track.tpcNClsFound() < nclTpcMin)
if (track.itsNCls() < nclItsMin)
if ( < ptMin)

registry.fill(HIST("hEta"), track.eta());
registry.fill(HIST("hITSchi2"), track.itsChi2NCl());
registry.fill(HIST("hTPCchi2"), track.tpcChi2NCl());
registry.fill(HIST("hTPCnCls"), track.tpcNClsFound());
registry.fill(HIST("hITSnCls"), track.itsNCls());
registry.fill(HIST("hTPCnClsCrossedRows"), track.tpcNClsCrossedRows());
registry.fill(HIST("hTPCNsigma"), track.p(), track.tpcNSigmaEl());

// track - match

// continue;
if (track.phi() < phiEmcMin || track.phi() > phiEmcMax)
auto tracksofcluster = matchedtracks.sliceBy(perClusterMatchedTracks, track.globalIndex());

// LOGF(info, "Number of matched track: %d", tracksofcluster.size());

double rMin = 999.9;
double dPhiMin = 999.9;
double dEtaMin = 999.9;

if (tracksofcluster.size()) {
int nMatch = 0;
for (const auto& match : tracksofcluster) {
if (match.emcalcluster_as<SelectedClusters>().time() < timeEmcMin || match.emcalcluster_as<SelectedClusters>().time() > timeEmcMax)
if (match.emcalcluster_as<SelectedClusters>().m02() < m02Min || match.emcalcluster_as<SelectedClusters>().m02() > m02Max)

float m20Emc = match.emcalcluster_as<SelectedClusters>().m20();
float m02Emc = match.emcalcluster_as<SelectedClusters>().m02();
float energyEmc = match.emcalcluster_as<SelectedClusters>().energy();
double phiEmc = match.emcalcluster_as<SelectedClusters>().phi();
double etaEmc = match.emcalcluster_as<SelectedClusters>().eta();
double timeEmc = match.emcalcluster_as<SelectedClusters>().time();
// LOG(info) << "tr phi0 = " << match.track_as<TrackEle>().phi();
// LOG(info) << "tr phi1 = " << track.phi();
// LOG(info) << "emc phi = " << phiEmc;
if (nMatch == 0) {
double dEta = match.track_as<TrackEle>().eta() - etaEmc;
double dPhi = match.track_as<TrackEle>().phi() - phiEmc;
dPhi = RecoDecay::constrainAngle(dPhi, -o2::constants::math::PI);

registry.fill(HIST("hMatchPhi"), phiEmc, match.track_as<TrackEle>().phi());
registry.fill(HIST("hMatchEta"), etaEmc, match.track_as<TrackEle>().eta());

double r = RecoDecay::sqrtSumOfSquares(dPhi, dEta);
if (r < rMin) {
rMin = r;
dPhiMin = dPhi;
dEtaMin = dEta;
registry.fill(HIST("hTrMatch"), dPhi, dEta);
registry.fill(HIST("hEMCtime"), timeEmc);
registry.fill(HIST("hEnergy"), energyEmc);

if (r < rMatchMax)

double eop = energyEmc / match.track_as<TrackEle>().p();
// LOG(info) << "E/p" << eop;
registry.fill(HIST("hEopNsigTPC"), match.track_as<TrackEle>().tpcNSigmaEl(), eop);
registry.fill(HIST("hM02"), match.track_as<TrackEle>().tpcNSigmaEl(), m02Emc);
registry.fill(HIST("hM20"), match.track_as<TrackEle>().tpcNSigmaEl(), m20Emc);
if (match.track_as<TrackEle>().tpcNSigmaEl() > nsigTpcMin && match.track_as<TrackEle>().tpcNSigmaEl() < nsigTpcMax) {
registry.fill(HIST("hEop"), match.track_as<TrackEle>().pt(), eop);


if (rMin < rMatchMax) {
// LOG(info) << "R mim = " << rMin;
registry.fill(HIST("hTrMatch_mim"), dPhiMin, dEtaMin);

} // end of track loop

WorkflowSpec defineDataProcessing(ConfigContext const& cfgc)
return WorkflowSpec{adaptAnalysisTask<HfTaskElectronWeakBoson>(cfgc)};

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