- Keystrokes to navigate
- have a log file
- Admin edit/delete ReadScore in list
- Allow one click updates from admin
- live updating for admin/users (progress bar, tables, etc) (making API with setInterval from client?)
- Improved user experience by correcting initial rubric confirmation pop-up to be properly positioned on the page
- Improved user experience by adding a quick rubric dropdown
- Corrected scrolling issue for admin dashboard with Firefox browser
- Added dummy account to allow public access to view the website's functionality
- Added admin functionality to view readathon individual user stats and how they scored each applicant read
- Fixed issue where the last applicant for alumni would be ignored
- Improved backend by ensuring emails are in the same case (lower)
- Improved user interface by allowing Rubric navbar to scroll with user
- Fixed issue where navigating with the Rubric navbar hide the main navbar
- Improved user experience by better communicating which month the user has access to the platform
- Make it clear to users in the Rubric that comments are NOT required
- Corrected rubric color coding to match questions properly
- Improved user experience by better communicating why the user may be done when there is still more to read
- Fixed scroll not responding to flick properly
- Fixed mobile feedback survey not working (device - safari iPhone X)
- Fixed issue where admin's could not sort users
- Fixed issue where Typeform survey would allow users to resubmit
- Added survey summary link to admin
- Resolved "cryptile" vulnerability
- Improved user experience by better communicating how done with the Readathon they are