All Star Code's application website for the 2020 Summer Intensive
#To Do List
- change font to be more readable (like typeform)
Narrative of day in life of SI student
mention 6:30-8pm and on application
Add brotherhood
cut $5000
change FAQ to "Why apply"
- more animations
- parallax on wording (scrolling into focus)
- Add 2020 virtual SI picture (done)
- Change projects to 2020 (check the demo-day database) - (done)
- Add the word "Virtual" in front of SI (done)
- Relocate eligibility and dates to top (July 12th to August 20th) - (done)
- Remove "able to commute" and replace with "able to participate in live 3-hour remote technical sessions and 1 hour core skills session. (done)
- Replace the All Star Outcomes section with 6 week overview (done)
- Move "App. for 2021 Virtual Summer Intensive" further down... -- seems fine where it is?
- Include two-part application process
- Improve site responsivess and have it look the same on different devices!