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ScRNAseq-related analyses for Pfirschke et al. 2021 [1]

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Large data files used by the code in this repository are stored on GEO.

Description Filename(s)
Raw count data before filtering <library_name>.barcodes.tsv, <library_name>.counts.mtx, <libraray_name>.genes.tsv (GSE161771
Anndata object combining all libraries after mitochondrial fraction and total count filtering mito_total_counts_filt_raw_27563x40930_200517_10h29.h5ad
Cell annotation file (i.e. adata.obs) obs_info_27563x32_201025_14h44.tsv (or .npz here*)


Contributors to this repo

Angela E. Zou (AZ)
Marius Messemaker (MM)
Nicolas A. Gort-Freitas (NAGF)
Rapolas Zilionis (RZ)

From reads to counts

The pipeline was used for obtain cells x genes matrices. Yaml files detailing the parameters used can be found here.

Filtering, doublet removal, visualization and annotation

Notebooks starting with "part*" focus on the analysis steps up to filtered annotated data. Data filtering involved repeating cell visualization several times. For example, drawing and clustering a kNN graph of T cells only revealed two distinct double populations within T cells, the removal of which required repeating the visualization of all CD45+ cells.

Methods Figure panel(s) Comment Relevant notebooks Contributions
Filtering on total counts and mitochondrial fraction NA Filter data and combine individual mtx files into one AnnData object part1_read_and_filter_data.ipynb RZ
Cell annotation using a Bayesian classifier NA Classify single cell transcriptomes using a Bayesian classifier as described previously [2,3,4] part3_classify_cell_by_published_profiles.ipynb RZ
Initial visualization of the data using SPRING [5] Interactive explorer online 2D visualization using a force directed layout of a kNN graph part3c_spring_plot_1000_umi.ipynb RZ
Doublet detection NA Obtaining doublet scores using Scrublet [6]. Modified version using precomputed PCA: for consistency, the same PCA-transformed data as for drawing the kNN graph in SPRING visualization is used part4_detect_doublets_in_each_emulsion_precomputed_PCA.ipynb RZ
Spectral clustering of the SPRING plot NA Divide the kNN graph into a predefined number of clusters part5_divide_graph_with_doublets_into_clusters.ipynb
Identify cells to exclude NA Identify and flag for removal clusters enriched in doublets, Krt8 (non-immune), and hemoglobin genes (erythroid) part6_decide_which_cells_to_exclude.ipynb RZ
Repeat data visualization and spectral clustering after cleanup Interactive explorer online Visualization exclude cells flagged in the previous notebook. Eigenvectors for PCA calculated on Csf1Ri condition cells only (as a method for batch correction). part7_sping_plot_main_iter1.ipynb, part8_divide_graph_into_clusters.ipynb RZ
Identify more cells to exclude NA Repeating the visualization and clustering after initial clean up revealed more distinct doublet clusters part8_divide_graph_into_clusters.ipynb RZ
Data visualization and clustering after second round of cleanup Interactive explorer online Second iteration of plotting cleaned up data part10_sping_plot_main_iter2.ipynb, part11_divide_graph_into_clusters.ipynb RZ
Cluster annotation using Bayesian classifier results Interactive explorer online, colortrack "*population" Clusters are labeled after the dominant classification result obtained for individual cells. Ambiguous cases are reviewed manually. part12_define_populations_based_on_classifier_results.ipynb RZ
Visualize, cluster, and annotated T cells separately Interactive explorer online Resolving T cell sub-populations required subclustering T cells. Annotation is based on interactively exploring the resulting SPRING plot, and comparing cluster-enriched gene expression to known marker genes part13_sping_plot_of_T_only.ipynb, part14_divide_T_cell_graph_into_clusters.ipynb, part15_define_T_subsets.ipynb RZ
Final data visualization, clustering, and annotation after removing doublet clusters within T cells Fig. 2B,C; 4E; 5D and more, Interactive explorer online Visualization and annotation of T cells only in the previous step revealed two distinct doublet clusters. Visualization of all CD45+ cells was repeated with the further cleaned up data part16_sping_plot_main_iter3.ipynb, part17_divide_graph_into_clusters.ipynb, part18_define_populations_based_on_classifier_results.ipynb RZ
Final annotation of T cells Interactive explorer online Repeat T cell annotation after removing T cell doublets part19_sping_plot_of_T_only.ipynb, part20_divide_T_cell_graph_into_clusters.ipynb, part21_define_T_subsets.ipynb RZ
Clean up annotations Fig. 2B Tidy up cell annotations in adata.obs, merge minor populations to main types (e.g. DC1, DC2, DC3, pDC collectively are DCs) part22_cleanup_labels.ipynb RZ

Analyses using annotated data

Methods Figure panel(s) Comment Relevant notebooks Contributions
Example notebook for loading annotated data and xy coordinates E.g. Fig. 2B This notebooks uses a few examples to guide anyone interested through how the annotated data is organized example_load_data_plot_something.ipynb RZ
Plot a subset of cells from the main SPRING plot, color by gene expression Multiple figures, the motif of Fig. 4E Load xy coordinates, select a subset of cells, color by gene expression or population annotation Colored_SPRING_plots.ipynb RZ
Challenge annotations by plotting a heatmap of previously identified marker genes Fig. 2D Recreate marker gene heatmap from previous study [2] (same gene order) but using the newly defined cell populations Annotation_challenging_marker_gene_heatmaps.ipynb RZ
State %CD45 abundance, Arrow gene-expression change, and Differential Expression Analysis volcano Figures 2E, 2F, S2A, S2C, S2D, S2F, S2G, 4G, S4I, S4J, 5F, S5D-H Abundance_and_expression_change_analysis.ipynb MM
Make dot plots of relative gene expression and % cells expressing genes Figs 2G, 3A, S3A for-github_dotplot.ipynb AZ
Perform GSEA on GO:BP terms, make scatterplot of enriched immune activation-related terms Fig. 2H for-github_fgsea-scatterplot.ipynb AZ
Heatmap of scores for selected GO:BP terms in MoMac cells Fig. 2I for-github_scored-pathway-HM.ipynb AZ
Make circos plots for differentially expressed and immune activating/inhibitory interactions Figs. 3B, 5B for-github_cell-cell-comms_filter+circos.ipynb AZ
Make heatmaps depicting selected ligand-receptor interactions Figs. 3C, S3C, 5C, S5B for-github_cell-cell-comms_make-HMs.ipynb AZ
Fold change with respect to the median across states compared (relative expression); Pearson's r correlation; Linear regression 3D, S3D, S5 In this notebook, we compare the relative expression of highlighted ligands & receptors in DCs, NKs, T cells, and Monocyte/Macrophages in non-small cell lung cancer patients (Zilionis et al., 2019) and in vehicle-treated mice to support a cross-species analogy in the behavior of immunity. heatmaps_scatter_human_mouse.ipynb NAGF


[1] To be updated after publication
[2] Zilionis R, Engblom C, Pfirschke C, et al. Single-Cell Transcriptomics of Human and Mouse Lung Cancers Reveals Conserved Myeloid Populations across Individuals and Species. Immunity. 2019;50(5):1317-1334.e10. doi:10.1016/j.immuni.2019.03.009
[3] Zemmour, D., Zilionis, R., Kiner, E., Klein, A.M., Mathis, D., and Benoist, C. (2018). Single-cell gene expression reveals a landscape of regulatory T cell phenotypes shaped by the TCR. Nat. Immunol. 19, 291–301
[4] Jaitin, D.A., Kenigsberg, E., Keren-Shaul, H., Elefant, N., Paul, F., Zaretsky, I., Mildner, A., Cohen, N., Jung, S., Tanay, A., and Amit, I. (2014). Massively par- allel single-cell RNA-seq for marker-free decomposition of tissues into cell types. Science 343, 776–779.
[5] Weinreb C, Wolock S, Klein AM. SPRING: a kinetic interface for visualizing high dimensional single-cell expression data. Bioinformatics. 2018;34(7):1246-1248. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btx792
[6] Wolock SL, Lopez R, Klein AM. Scrublet: Computational Identification of Cell Doublets in Single-Cell Transcriptomic Data. Cell Syst. 2019;8(4):281-291.e9. doi:10.1016/j.cels.2018.11.005


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