Build Your First CI/CD Pipeline using Github Actions with this Demo App.
This is a Node and Express web application used to demonstrate CI/CD with Azure DevOps. You can clone this repo and use it within Github Actions to build, test, and release to an Azure App Service web app.
You can use these commands to install, test, and run the app locally. (Not Required)
npm install
npm install -g mocha
npm install -g mocha-junit-reporter
npm install -g nyc
npm test
#For unit tests using mocha
mocha test/test.js --reporter mocha-junit-reporter --reporter-options mochaFile=testresults.xml --exit
#For coverage
nyc --reporter cobertura --reporter html mocha test/test.js --reporter mocha-junit-reporter --reporter-options mochaFile=testresults.xml --exit
Navigate to the /test
folder to review the unit tests for this project. These tests will run as part of your Azure DevOps Build pipeline. See azure-pipelines.yml
in this repo.
npm start
docker build -t techsummit --build-arg VERSION=1 -f .
docker build -t techsummit-test -f Dockerfile.test .
#This will run unit tests inside the container and remove the container after tests finished.
docker run --rm --name techsummit-test techsummit-test
#This will start the application. Run and open your browser, type http://localhost:3000 and enjoy!
docker run --name techsummit techsummit
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This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0
Thank you Mike Pfeiffer for the first version of the code and thanks Hakki Ogretmen for the second one! :)