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CAIRS Framework


Init Framework

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window.onload = function (e)

Browser environment properties

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    alert( ); // Chrome
    alert( CAIRS.Browser.onLine ); // is the browser online?
    alert( CAIRS.Browser.cookieEnabled ); // is the browser able to generate cookies?
    alert( CAIRS.Browser.version ); // browser version
    alert( CAIRS.Browser.OS ); // Operational system
    alert( CAIRS.Browser.plugins ); // [], a list of available browser's plugins

Check if plugin is installed

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    CAIRS.Browser.isPlugin( "Chrome PDF Viewer" ); // true/false

Some plugin names

    Shockwave Flash
    Chrome Remote Desktop Viewer
    Native Client
    Chrome PDF Viewer
    Adobe Acrobat 
    Winamp Application Detector
    Google Earth Plugin
    Google Update
    Java(TM) Platform SE 6 U38
    Facebook Video Calling Plugin
    Shockwave Flash
    Java Deployment Toolkit 6.0.380.5
    Unknow plugin

Check if browser have the minimun requirement for running RIA apps

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    //=== Note, this method is automatically called when you call CAIRS.init();

Cookies handling

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The CAIRS framework provides one object named "cookie" on the top level namespace of the framework. With this object you can create and get cookies with/from a given value or a key.

Acessing the cookie object


Create cookie with a given value

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		1 - cookie name -> string
		2 - cookie value -> string
		3 - duration (in days) -> integer or decimal
	@return - boolean -> true / false
var duration = 360; // in days
CAIRS.cookie.set( "cookie name", "cookie value", duration );

Create cookie with a given key

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		1 - cookie name -> string
		2 - key name -> string
		3 - key value -> string
		4 - duration (in days) -> integer or decimal
	@return - boolean -> true / false
var duration = 360; // in days
CAIRS.cookie.setByKey( "cookie name", "key name", "key value", duration )

Get cookie value with a given name

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		1 - cookie name -> string
	@return - string value OR false if cookie does not exist

CAIRS.cookie.get( "cookie name" );

Get key value from a cookie

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		1 - cookie name -> string
		2 - key name -> string
	@return - string value OR false if cookie or key does not exist

CAIRS.cookie.getByKey( "cookie name", "key_name" );

Code Injection

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    // injects controller/FlexPaperComponent.js
    CAIRS.loadScript("controller/FlexPaperComponent", function()
    	// after code injected, call the component FlexPaperComponent
    	FlexPaperComponent.callFlexPaper({ ... });

Convert JSON to XML

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    var json_menu = { menu: [
            { item : { id: "recarregagrid", text : "reload", img : "atualizar.png", imgdis : "atualizar.png"}, child : [
                    { item : { id: "select_all", text : "select all", img : "select_all.gif", imgdis : "select_all.gif"} }
            ] }
            ,{ item : { id: "file_sep_1", type : "separator"} }
            ,{ item : { id: "selecionartodos", text : "select all", img : "select_all.gif", imgdis : "select_all.gif"} }
            ,{ item : { id: "file_sep_2", type : "separator"} }
            ,{ item : { id: "excluir", text : "delete selected", img : "excluir.png", imgdis : "excluir.png"} }
     ] }
    CAIRS.xml.fromJSON( json_menu );
            <item id="recarregagrid" text="reload" img="atualizar.png" imgdis="atualizar.png">
                    <item id="select_all" text="select all" img="select_all.gif" imgdis="select_all.gif"/>
            <item id="file_sep_1" type="separator"/>
            <item id="selecionartodos" text="select all" img="select_all.gif" imgdis="select_all.gif"/>
            <item id="file_sep_2" type="separator"/>
            <item id="excluir" text="delete selected" img="excluir.png" imgdis="excluir.png"/>

XML Serialization

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    CAIRS.xml.serialize( CAIRS.xml.fromJSON( json_menu ) );
    '<menu><item id="recarregagrid" text="reload" img="atualizar.png" imgdis="atualizar.png">
    <item id="file_sep_0" text="select all" img="select_all.gif" imgdis="select_all.gif"/></item>
    <item id="file_sep_1" type="separator"/>
    <item id="selecionartodos" text="select all" img="select_all.gif" imgdis="select_all.gif"/>
    <item id="file_sep_2" type="separator"/>
    <item id="excluir" text="delete selected" img="excluir.png" imgdis="excluir.png"/></menu>'

Check if variable is an Array

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    var test = [];
    CAIRS.isArray( test ); // true

Check if variable is an Object literal

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    var test = {};
    CAIRS.isObject( test ); // true

Check if variable is a Number

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    var test = 2;
    CAIRS.isNumber( test ); // true

Convert Javascript number to currency format

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console.log( CAIRS.toCurrency(10000000) ); // 10,000,000.00

Convert currency string to a Javascript Float number

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	@function parseFloat - Convert currency string to a Javascript Float number
	@parameter currency - string or number for converting to javascript float type
	@parameter places - places after decimal, default: 2
		not mandatory
	@scope CAIRS.parseFloat(currency, places);

console.log( CAIRS.parseFloat("10,000,000.00") ); // 10000.00

console.log( CAIRS.parseFloat("10,000,000.00", 3) ); // 10000.000

console.log( CAIRS.parseFloat("10,000,000.00", 1) ); // 10000.0

Implemented forEach statement

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    var myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, "James"];
    myArray.forEach( function(element, array_index, array_object)
            // 1
            // 2
            // 3
            // 4
            // James

Class creation

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	@function ext -  check if the current browser is able to run AJAX applications
	@parameter parentClass - An Object Literal Class which will be the inherited class, OR, null
		if null, NO Parent Class will be inherited when creating your Class
	@parameter objClass - An Object Literal notation of your Class
	@parameter nameSpaceName - string value holding the namespace path where the created 
		Class will be appended as top level, OR false, OR undefined
		not mandory - default: The created object will be appended on the top level of window object
	@return object

//  CAIRS.ext( parentClass, Class, nameSpace);
//  CAIRS.ext( null, {} ) EQUAL  CAIRS.ext( null, {}, false) ;

/* Class name */
var myClassName = CAIRS.ext( null, {
	myClassName : {  /* Class name again */
		/* your methods and properties here */
		method : function(){
			console.log("method ok");
		,property : "string property"
}  );


console.log("-acessing class's method> ");


-acessing class's method>
method ok 

Implemented Object Inheritance

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    //  CAIRS.ext( parentClass, Class, nameSpace);
    	Create the class myClassName inheriting the CAIRS Framework's class  
    var myClassName = CAIRS.ext( CAIRS, {
            myClassName : {
                    method : function(){
                            console.log("child ok");
                    ,property : "string property"


console.log("-------------------- Inheriting Object's test -----------------");
console.log("-parent class's method testing> ");
    console.log("-child class's method testing> ");
    console.log("-------------------------- end test ---------------------------");


    -------------------- Inheriting Object's test -----------------
    -parent class's method testing>
    parent ok
    -child class's method testing>
    child ok
    -------------------------- end test ---------------------------

Inheriting Object and Appending to a pre created NameSpace

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	Create namespace person - it will be appended on the window object
var person = person || {};

	append a new level  characteristics to the 'person' top level namespace
person.characteristics = person.characteristics || { 
	eyes_number : 2
	,nose_number : 1
	,arms_number : 2

	Create the class head inheriting the CAIRS Framework's class AND 
	append it to the top level given 'person.characteristics' namespace  
var head = CAIRS.ext(CAIRS, {
	head : {
		speak : function(){
			console.log(">I'm speaking<");
		,eyes_color : "blue"	
}, "person.characteristics");


console.log("------ Inheriting Object and Appending to a NameSpace 1 -------");
console.log("-given namespace>");
console.log("-Total namespace levels>");
console.log("-testing property from second level's namespace> ");
console.log( "My >"+ person.characteristics.eyes_number +"< eyes are closed");
console.log("-testing property from top level's namespace(new object appended)> ");
console.log( "my eye's color is: >" + person.characteristics.head.eyes_color + "<" );
console.log("-testing method from top level's namespace(new object appended)> ");
console.log("-testing inherited method from Parent Class> ");


------ Inheriting Object and Appending to a NameSpace 1 -------
-given namespace>
-Total namespace levels>
-testing property from second level's namespace>
My >2< eyes are closed
-testing property from top level's namespace(new object appended)>
my eye's color is: >blue<
-testing method from top level's namespace(new object appended)>
>I'm speaking<
-testing inherited method from Parent Class>
parent ok

Creating Keyboard Shortcuts

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CAIRS.createShortcut("Ctrl+F11", function()
	/* example: open the help window now */
	alert("Ctrl+F11 on keyboard");
CAIRS.createShortcut("Ctrl+Shift+A", function()
	/* example: Sellect all elements of a grid now */
	alert("Ctrl+Shift+A on keyboard");


CAIRS Framework - Generic features for RIA modules







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