Another fucking c# Steamworks implementation
Feature | Supported |
Windows | âś” |
Linux | âś” |
MacOS | âś” |
Unity Support | âś” |
Unity IL2CPP Support | âś” |
Async Callbacks (steam callresults) | âś” |
Events (steam callbacks) | âś” |
Single C# dll (no native requirements apart from Steam) | âś” |
Open Source | âś” |
MIT license | âś” |
Any 32bit OS | âś” |
The Steamworks C# implementations I found that were compatible with Unity have worked for a long time. But I hate them all. For a number of different reasons.
- They're not C#, they're just a collection of functions.
- They're not up to date.
- They require a 3rd party native dll.
- They can't be compiled into a standalone dll (in Unity).
- They're not free
- They have a restrictive license.
C# is meant to make things easier. So lets try to wrap it up in a way that makes it all easier.
SteamClient.SteamId // Your SteamId
SteamClient.Name // Your Name
foreach ( var friend in SteamFriends.GetFriends() )
Console.WriteLine( "{friend.Id}: {friend.Name}" );
Console.WriteLine( "{friend.IsOnline} / {friend.SteamLevel}" );
friend.SendMessage( "Hello Friend" );
Console.WriteLine( SteamApps.GameLanguage ); // Print the current game language
var installDir = SteamApps.AppInstallDir( 4000 ); // Get the path to the Garry's Mod install folder
var fileinfo = await SteamApps.GetFileDetailsAsync( "hl2.exe" ); // async get file details
DoSomething( fileinfo.SizeInBytes, fileinfo.Sha1 );
var image = await SteamFriends.GetLargeAvatarAsync( steamid );
if ( !image.HasValue ) return DefaultImage;
return MakeTextureFromRGBA( image.Value.Data, image.Value.Width, image.Value.Height );
using ( var list = new ServerList.Internet() )
list.AddFilter( "map", "de_dust" );
await list.RunQueryAsync();
foreach ( var server in list.Responsive )
Console.WriteLine( $"{server.Address} {server.Name}" );
List them
foreach ( var a in SteamUserStats.Achievements )
Console.WriteLine( $"{a.Name} ({a.State}})" );
Unlock them
var ach = new Achievement( "GM_PLAYED_WITH_GARRY" );
SteamUser.VoiceRecord = KeyDown( "V" );
if ( SteamUser.HasVoiceData )
var bytesrwritten = SteamUser.ReadVoiceData( stream );
// Send Stream Data To Server or Something
// Client sends ticket data to server somehow
var ticket = SteamUser.GetAuthSessionTicket();
// server listens to event
SteamServer.OnValidateAuthTicketResponse += ( steamid, ownerid, rsponse ) =>
if ( rsponse == AuthResponse.OK )
TellUserTheyCanBeOnServer( steamid );
KickUser( steamid );
// server gets ticket data from client, calls this function.. which either returns
// false straight away, or will issue a TicketResponse.
if ( !SteamServer.BeginAuthSession( ticketData, clientSteamId ) )
KickUser( clientSteamId );
// Client is leaving, cancels their ticket OnValidateAuth is called on the server again
// this time with AuthResponse.AuthTicketCanceled
Download a workshop item by ID
SteamUGC.Download( 1717844711 );
Get a workshop item information
var itemInfo = await Ugc.Item.Get( 1720164672 );
Console.WriteLine( $"Title: {itemInfo?.Title}" );
Console.WriteLine( $"IsInstalled: {itemInfo?.IsInstalled}" );
Console.WriteLine( $"IsDownloading: {itemInfo?.IsDownloading}" );
Console.WriteLine( $"IsDownloadPending: {itemInfo?.IsDownloadPending}" );
Console.WriteLine( $"IsSubscribed: {itemInfo?.IsSubscribed}" );
Console.WriteLine( $"NeedsUpdate: {itemInfo?.NeedsUpdate}" );
Console.WriteLine( $"Description: {itemInfo?.Description}" );
Query a list of workshop items
var q = Ugc.Query.All
.WithTag( "Fun" )
.WithTag( "Movie" )
var result = await q.GetPageAsync( 1 );
Console.WriteLine( $"ResultCount: {result?.ResultCount}" );
Console.WriteLine( $"TotalCount: {result?.TotalCount}" );
foreach ( Ugc.Item entry in result.Value.Entries )
Console.WriteLine( $" {entry.Title}" );
Query items created by friends
var q = Ugc.UserQuery.All
Query items created by yourself
var q = Ugc.UserQuery.All
Publish your own file
var result = await Ugc.Editor.NewCommunityFile
.WithTitle( "My New FIle" )
.WithDescription( "This is a description" )
.WithContent( "c:/folder/addon/location" )
.WithTag( "awesome" )
.WithTag( "small" )
.SubmitAsync( iProgressBar );
Write a cloud file
SteamRemoteStorage.FileWrite( "file.txt", fileContents );
Read a cloud file
var fileContents = SteamRemoteStorage.ReadFile( "file.txt" );
List all files
foreach ( var file in SteamRemoteStorage.Files )
Console.WriteLine( $"{file} ({SteamRemoteStorage.FileSize(file)} {SteamRemoteStorage.FileTime( file )})" );
Get item definitions
foreach ( InventoryDef def in SteamInventory.Definitions )
Console.WriteLine( $"{def.Name}" );
Get items that are for sale in the item shop
var defs = await SteamInventory.GetDefinitionsWithPricesAsync();
foreach ( var def in defs )
Console.WriteLine( $"{def.Name} [{def.LocalPriceFormatted}]" );
Get a list of your items
var result = await SteamInventory.GetItems();
// result is disposable, good manners to dispose after use
using ( result )
var items = result?.GetItems( bWithProperties );
foreach ( InventoryItem item in items )
Console.WriteLine( $"{item.Id} / {item.Quantity} / {item.Def.Name} " );
To initialize a client you can do this.
using Steamworks;
// ...
SteamClient.Init( 4000 );
catch ( System.Exception e )
// Couldn't init for some reason (steam is closed etc)
Replace 4000 with the appid of your game. You shouldn't call any Steam functions before you initialize.
When you're done, when you're closing your game, just shutdown.
To create a server do this.
var serverInit = new SteamServerInit( "gmod", "Garry Mode" )
GamePort = 28015,
Secure = true,
QueryPort = 28016
Steamworks.SteamServer.Init( 4000, serverInit );
catch ( System.Exception )
// Couldn't init for some reason (dll errors, blocked ports)
Wanna help? Go for it, pull requests, bug reports, yes, do it.
You can also hit up the Steamworks Thread for help/discussion.
We also have a wiki you can read and help fill out with examples and advice.
MIT - do whatever you want.