Meesho is a social commerce platform that undertakes retail distribution, enabling small retail merchants to connect and sell their products effectively via social media channels. Bengaluru-based Meesho aims to create an environment where anyone can start their business with zero investment
Aman Kumar [ Login Signup page, Admin page ]
nookala ramya phani kumari [Filter Sorting, Product description]
Mayank Arya [Product and Landing Page]
Nikhilesh Singh [Navbar, cart Page]
Languages - HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Tools - API, Bootstrap, Firebase, crud operations
You will be able to create your account using login and signup option with firebase, used API calls for validating user credentials.
Used Reusable Components in landing page such that it can be reused in any other pages easily without repeatation.
You can choose a product which you want to buy and add to cart section.
One can Sort and Filter the product according to the prices and categories of different products.
User can also select and remove items from cart section and make payment through card.
All the data is stored in the localStorage of the User.
Clone my repository Open that code in your VS code index.html Open the index.html on Live server Then you can Navigate through other pages from Landing page like signin.html, cart.html, product.html, admin.html etc.
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at [email protected]