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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 11, 2022. It is now read-only.

Releases: AmanoTeam/amanobot


15 Jun 04:50
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30 Dec 02:53
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  • Fixed a bug in download_file that prevented it from working in sync mode.


06 Nov 02:55
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  • Bot API 5.0 additions (Some things may be missing or broken, please report)
  • Added the api_endpoint parameter to the Bot class to allow setting custom API endpoint instead of
  • Initial typing hint support, not yet complete
  • Bump aiohttp to 3.7.2 and urllib3 to 1.25.11
  • Dropped Python support below 3.5.3 and their compatibility hacks


11 Jun 11:48
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Same as 1.8.0 but with a hotfix for for a bug that prevented the library from working.


26 Apr 08:00
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  • Bot API 4.8
  • Supported explanations for Quizzes 2.0. Add explanations by specifying the parameters explanation and explanation_parse_mode in the method sendPoll
  • Supported the new darts animation for the dice mini-game. Choose between the default dice animation and darts animation by specifying the parameter emoji in the method sendDice
  • Added the fields explanation and explanation_entities to the Poll object
  • Supported timed polls that automatically close at a certain date and time. Set up by specifying the parameter open_period or close_date in the method sendPoll
  • Added the fields open_period and close_date to the Poll object
  • Added the missing is_anonymous field to the Poll object


30 Mar 18:31
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  • Bot API 4.7
  • Added the method sendDice for sending a dice message, which will have a random value from 1 to 6
  • Added the field dice to the Message object
  • Added the method getMyCommands for getting the current list of the bot's commands
  • Added the method setMyCommands for changing the list of the bot's commands through the Bot API instead of @Botfather
  • Added the ability to create animated sticker sets by specifying the parameter tgs_sticker instead of png_sticker in the method createNewStickerSet
  • Added the ability to add animated stickers to sets created by the bot by specifying the parameter tgs_sticker instead of png_sticker in the method addStickerToSet
  • Added the field thumb to the StickerSet object
  • Added the ability to change thumbnails of sticker sets created by the bot using the method setStickerSetThumb


23 Jan 16:13
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  • Bot API 4.6
  • Added the ability to send non-anonymous, multiple answer, and quiz-style polls: added the parameters is_anonymous, type, allows_multiple_answers, correct_option_id, is_closed options to the method sendPoll
  • Added the object KeyboardButtonPollType and the field request_poll to the object KeyboardButton
  • Added the field poll_answer in the Update object
  • Added the fields total_voter_count, is_anonymous, type, allows_multiple_answers, correct_option_id to the Poll object
  • Bots can now send polls to private chats
  • Added the fields can_join_groups, can_read_all_group_messages and supports_inline_queries to the User object
  • Added the optional field language to the MessageEntity object


31 Dec 20:30
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  • Bot API 4.5
  • Added the setChatAdministratorCustomTitle method
  • Added the file_unique_id field to the objects Animation, Audio, Document, PassportFile, PhotoSize, Sticker, Video, VideoNote, Voice and File
  • Added the small_file_unique_id and big_file_unique_id fields to the object ChatPhoto
  • Added the slow_mode_delay field to the Chat object
  • Added the custom_title field to the ChatMember object
  • Note: If you want to use the new entity fields (such as underlined and strikethrough text) in markdown, you need to pass MarkdownV2 to the parse_mode parameter


31 Dec 20:29
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  • Add the raise_errors to the Bot class
  • Require at least Python 3.5.3 for the asyncio variant (Fixes installation on Python 3.5.2)


14 Nov 01:52
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  • Added support for the thumb parameter in media Senders (sendAudio, sendDocument, etc)
  • Added support for media editing using the editMessageMedia method

Note: This is a reupload of the v1.4.3 release with a hotfix for asyncio variant