WeCare is a web-based Life Coaching platform designed to connect users with renowned Life Coaches. It enables users to create accounts, log in, and access the expertise of accomplished Life Coaches. Users can search for Life Coaches based on their specific areas of expertise and conveniently schedule appointments within a 7-day window. Additionally, users have the flexibility to view and manage their upcoming appointments, including the ability to reschedule or cancel them. Likewise, Life Coaches have the option to register, log in, and access their own schedules, ensuring a seamless and efficient experience.
Steps used to run the web application.
# Open the application folder inside command prompt and install json-server using below command:
npm install -g json-server
# Start json-server use the below command in the terminal (server at port 8080)
npx json-server --watch db.json --port 8080
# Run the react application using the below command in the terminal:
npm start
List the technologies, libraries, and frameworks used in your application, including versions.
- Node
- React.js
- Visual Studio Code IDE
Landing Page (Home Page)
Register As Coach:

Register As User:
Login As Coach:
View Coach Profile:
Coach Appointments Page:
Login As User:

View User Profile Page:
Book Appointment:

User's My Appointments Page:
Reschedule Appointment: