A Slack integration to keep track of j[aeou]mstones through the use of slash commands.
Server deployed at https://jemstones.herokuapp.com/
Frontend application deployed at https://jemstones.netlify.app;
GET https://jemstones.herokuapp.com/status
- Endpoint to wake up dynos before executing slack events
GET https://jemstones.herokuapp.com/transactions
- Displays a list of all transactions that have taken place in the application
GET /leaderboard
- Displays a list of users sored from highest to lowest stones total
GET /leaderboard/amy
- Displays a list of users sorted from highest to lowest amystones
GET /leaderboard/col
- Displays a list of users sorted from highest to lowest colestones
GET /leaderboard/ger
- Displays a list of users sorted from highest to lowest gerstones
GET /leaderboard/har
- Displays a list of users sorted from highest to lowest harrystones
GET /leaderboard/jam
- Displays a list of users sorted from highest to lowest jamstones
GET /leaderboard/jan
- Displays a list of users sorted from highest to lowest janstones
GET /leaderboard/jem
- Displays a list of users sorted from highest to lowest jemstones
GET /leaderboard/jom
- Displays a list of users sorted from highest to lowest jomstones
GET /leaderboard/jum
- Displays a list of users sorted from highest to lowest jumstones
/amystones <username of person you want to gift> <amount you want to gift>
/colestones <username of person you want to gift> <amount you want to gift>
/gerstones <username of person you want to gift> <amount you want to gift>
/harrystones <username of person you want to gift> <amount you want to gift>
/jamstones <username of person you want to gift> <amount you want to gift>
/janstones <username of person you want to gift> <amount you want to gift>
/jemstones <username of person you want to gift> <amount you want to gift>
/jomstones <username of person you want to gift> <amount you want to gift>
/jumstones <username of person you want to gift> <amount you want to gift>
Warning: If you attempt to remove the j[aeou]mstones of others, it will not end well for you.
Secondary warning: If you attempt to give yourself j[aeou]mstones, it will also not end well for you.