This project shows that Episerver (CMS and commerce) can be run as console application. I have personally used this to run long-running jobs, which otherwise would be interrupted by IIS.
Follow these steps exactly.
- Create CMS and commerce databases in a SQL server instance
- Set connection strings accordingly in Episerver.Console.Web and Episerver.Console.Client
- Run Initialize-EPiDatabase with default project Episerver.Console.Web
- Run Update-EPiDatabase with default project Episerver.Console.Web
- Start web site Episerver.Console.Web
- Login using your Windows account
- Execute migration steps
- Stop debugging web site
- Run Episerver.Console.Client
- Start web site
You should now see the start page, which was programmatically created in the console application. The console application also created a catalog, category, product and a variant. Enter the catalog UI to verify this.