Additional PowerShell Commands for Microsoft App-V (currently primarily for package analysis) Use is subject to the terms of the MIT license. Use at your own risk.
##what's the point? The module currently has some primary functions to make information from the internal AppXManifest (and the external configuration files) of an .appv file visible and searchable. This includes the possibility to search an App-V package directory for specific data. For example: Find all packages with ShellExtensions
irst the module must be imported. This can also be in the module memory, for example. I am also planning to store a version in the PowerShell gallery.
#In the Script folder
Import-Module $($PSScriptRoot +'\AppVForcelets')
Import-Module 'YOURPATH\'+'\AppVForcelets')
###Example: Find packages with ShellextEnsions and Services
GetChildItem "$Depot\*.appv" -Recurse | Get-AppVManifestInfo | Select-Object -Property Name, HasShellExtensions,
Name HasShellExtensions HasServices
---- ------------------ -----------
Adobe Acrobat DC True True
AcrobatReader_10 False True
AdobeDigitEd2 False False
Adobe_PS_CS4 False True
Acrobat_Pro_2015 True True