Releases: AndrewJamesTurner/CGP-Library
Releases · AndrewJamesTurner/CGP-Library
Multiple thread support
- Added multiple thread support via openMP
- Added getNumChromosomeActiveConnections
- Fixed bug in the pow function
- Wrapped cgp.h in an extern “C” for compatibility with c++ compilers
Minor Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug where the number of inputs passed into a given node was always set to the max arity.
- Fixed bug where it was possible (although unlikely) for a parent to be selected over a child even if they have equal fitness (due to using an unstable sort).
- The index of nodes displayed using printChromosomes now match those displayed using saveChromosomeDot.
Now compiles with C++ compilers
- Now compiles with C++ compilers
- Added CGP shortcut connections option. See setShortcutConnections
- Added functionality to get the current output value of chromosome nodes. See getChromosomeNodeValue
- Added functionality to query if a given chromosome node is active. See isNodeActive
- Additional data sets have been added to the default install including the majority of the Proben benchmarks; courtesy of Sam Pick.
Performance Improvements
- Added pi node function
- Added 1 node function
- Added 0 node function
- Reduced the precession of connection weight values displayed using saveChromosomeDot() to two decimal places. Improves readability.
- Replaced setFitnessFunction() with setCustomFitnessFunction(). setFitnessFunction() is depreciated.
- Replaced setSelectionScheme() with setCustomSelectionScheme(). setSelectionScheme() is depreciated.
- Replaced setReproductionScheme() with setCustomReproductionScheme(). setReproductionScheme() is depreciated.
- Replaced addNodeFunctionCustom() with addCustomNodeFunction(). addNodeFunctionCustom() is depreciated.
Recurrent Cartesian Genetic Programming
- API CHANGE all float variables have been replaced by double for the extra position.
- NEW FEATURE Recurrent Cartesian Genetic Programming (RCGP). CGP-Library is now capable of creating programs/circuits/equations/neural networks which contain recurrent connections or feedback.
- Fixed bug in sin function (it was calling cos... my bad)
- Added mutation type “single”.
- Added wire function to function set.
Bug Fix
Fixed Significant bug in runCGP (incorrect chromosome was returned if a perfect solution was not found)
added power function to function set
.dot graphviz contain more detail
Initial Release
V1.0 Recompiled CGP-Library.dll