📜 A Notetaking App Built in Angular using a PostgreSQL database on the Back-End for Encrypted Login Verification.
- 💾 Ensure that Node.js is installed and running the latest version
- 💾 Download this Repository's Code
- 💾 Extract the .zip folder and open the downloaded code in an editor of your choice (e.g. VSCode)
- 💾 Install all packages by running the following in your root directory's integrated terminal: npm i
- 💾 Open an integrated terminal for the BACKEND folder and run: node server.js
- 💾 Open an integrated terminal for the FRONTEND folder and run: ng serve
- 💾 Open your browser and navigate to localhost:4200
- 🗜️ Express Js for REST APIs
- 🗜️ bcryptjs for password encrytion
- 🗜️ jsonwebtoken to token based authentication & authorization
- 🗜️ Sequelize for database CRUD operations
- 🗜️ PostgreSQL for data storage
- 🗜️ Angular 13
- 🗜️ RxJS 6
- 🗜️ Bootstrap 4
🔌 These are APIs that Node.js Express App will export:
Methods | Urls | Actions |
POST | /api/auth/signup | signup new account |
POST | /api/auth/signup | login an account |
GET | /api/user | retrieve all users |
GET | /api/user/:id | retrieve user by id |
GET | /api/items | retrieve all to-do items |
GET | /api/items/:id | retrieve to-do item by id |
DELETE | /api/items/:id | remove a to-do item by id |
👪 Andy Waine
✉️ Email me with any questions: [email protected]
Find me on GitHub: Andy-Waine