Implementation of Memory Efficient Video GAN.
Install requirements.
pip install requirements.txt
Place ProGAN repo within MeVGAN repo.
git clone progan
Apply patch to ProGAN repo. This will stop visdom session from running in the background, set batch size to 8 for ProGAN training, and add functionality to load ProGAN from checkpoint.
cd progan
git apply ../progan.patch
Copy model files from progan/models to MeVGAN/models to recreate original directory structure used to save ProGAN checkpoint. This is necessary to load model weigths.
cp -r models/* ../models
Prepare custom dataset. Place all your frames in one directory, following the naming convention:
We have used publicly available UCF-101 dataset, which can be found here:
Colonoscopy data cannot be publicly shared, but we allow datasets to be available upon request. For further informaction please contact Tomasz Urbańczyk at [email protected]
Train FrameSeedGenerator and VideoDiscriminator with pre-trained ProGAN.
python -d <path_to_dataset>